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Manik took a step towards her.

Manik- Nand

Nandini (cuts him)- no stop right there Ma..Mr. Malhotra. Just don't come near me.

Nandini harshly wiped her tears from the back of her hand and moved out of the elevator, followed by Manik. She composed herself and entered the conference room, only to find Mr. Mehta sitting there along with a girl in her early thirties. She was indeed pretty with long lashes and a perfect figure.

Nandini and Manik both greeted Mr. Mehta and looked towards the girl with confusion adorning their faces.

Mr. Mehta- oh she is my daughter, Meera. She is new to this business so is just accompanying me to meetings to get some practical experience.

Manik and Nandini nodded their heads and passed the girl a polite smile.

The meeting went on for an hour after which the deal was finalised.

Manik- thank you so much, Mr. Mehta.

Manik was about to get up but stopped hearing to Mr. Mehta.

Mr. Mehta- umm Mr. Malhotra, can I have a minute of yours.

Manik- yes sure! Speak.

Mr. Mehta- actually, it's quite personal so

He looked towards Nandini. Nandini got the hint and was getting up to leave when Manik held her hand.

Manik- it's ok, you can say it in front of Nandini, I don't mind.

Nandini settled back. Her hand was still in Manik's hold but none of them realised this and kept sitting like that.

Mr. Mehta- actually the thing is that, Mr. Malhotra..

Manik- its okay, you don't need to hesitate.

Mr. Mehta- I want you to marry my daughter. I know you are a divorcee but we have no problem with that, in fact, I feel that Meera can never get anyone better than you.

As soon as those words left from his mouth, Nandini jerked Manik's hand away. Manik looked at her to find her gritting her teeth and crumpling the paper that was in her other hand. Hurt and discomfort were clearly visible on her face. Manik kept looking at her thinking something deeply.

Manik(to himself)- I am sorry for what I will be doing Nandini, I know this will hurt you a lot but I don't have any other way to make you realize that you still feel for me.

Manik closed his eyes, took a deep breath and immediately opened his eyes that were now filled with determination.

Manik- Mr. Mehta, I would want to talk to Meera alone to come to any decision.

His words made Nandini to snap her gaze towards him and she looked at him with an expression of disbelief covering her face.

Mr. Mehta- sure.

Manik- So Meera would you like to join me for dinner tonight?

Manik passed Meera a subtle smile. He had no intention of hurting her and thus, he landed on the conclusion of telling her everything at dinner tonight.

Meera- Definitely Mr. Malhotra.

Meera gave him a dazzling smile.

Manik- you can call me Manik.

Meera smiled at him widely. Manik could feel Nandini's burning gaze at him throughout this conversation. He knew that if glares could kill, then he would have been dead by now.

Hot tears brimmed in Nandini's eyes and she started feeling suffocated. She got up from her seat and left from there without looking at anyone. She directly came to her cabin and saw Aadhya there, drawing something on the notepad which was kept on her table. She gulped her emotions and went towards her.

Nandini- what is my baby drawing?

Aadhya- its our happy family, this is you, this is me, and this is dad!

A tear fell from Nandini's eyes. Her child was too innocent to understand that this happy family was just a far-fetched dream.


After a few minutes, Manik joined them and all three of them made their way back home. The car ride was a silent one. Manik kept stealing glances at Nandini but she didn't spare him a look. Her dull and sullen look was enough to let him know that she was hurt and was crying on the inside but he had to this for his love.


In the evening,

Manik- don't cook for me, I will be having dinner outside

Nandini(in a hurt tone)- with Meera

Manik- yes

Manik replied with a blank face and left the room as he could not bear to see his angel with that defeated and worn out look on her face.


Elshinea Restaurant

Manik entered the place and found Meera settled on a table, waiting for him. They shook hands formally.

Manik- Hi Meera

Meera- Hey Manik, I am glad that you accepted the proposal, thank y

Manik(cutting her)- wait, I am here to talk to you about that only. Meera I can't marry you as I love someone else. I have loved her since forever and will love her till eternity. She is my angel, my light, the mother of my baby. No other woman can ever take her place in my life. She is the one for me. I am sorry but I just can't even think of marrying anyone else.

Meera- then why did you want to meet me, you could have refused in the meeting only.

Manik- Actually I want your help. The woman I love, loves me back but she is just too afraid to accept that because of some events that happened in our past. I know she won't be able to see me moving on with someone else and will surely give me a second chance. I just want her to give me a chance to prove that I am worthy of her forgiveness. I want to finish all her insecurities and for that I will need your help. Please, don't say no. I really need your help.

Meera looked at him in silence. Slowly, a smile appeared on her lips.

Meera- I am ready to help you Manik but I have one condition.

Manik- what?



How was the update?

What do you think will this new plan of Manik work?

Will Nandini be able to see him with someone else?

Does Meera genuinely wants to help Manik or does she have some hidden motive?

What will be Meera's condition to help Manik?




Stay tuned!

Thank you,

Best Wishes!


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