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Meera- I am ready to help you Manik but I have one condition.

Manik- what?

Meera- I want to know who she is?

Manik- my ex-wife, Nandini.

Meera(shocked)- Nandini as in Nandini Murthy?

Manik- ya Nandini Murthy, the first and last love of my life.

Meera- she is very lucky to have such a loving man in her life.

Manik- I am very lucky to have such a caring and strong woman in my life.

With this, they chatted for sometime and had dinner planning about their next step. Then, Manik left for home.


Nandini's room,

Manik entered the room and saw Nandini covered by the blanket from head to toe, sleeping or rather pretending to be asleep.

Manik- Nandini, I know you are awake. You never sleep with a blanket covering you fully as that suffocates you, so just stop pretending.

Nandini removed the blanket from her face and shot him a glare. Her puffy and swollen eyes were clear indicators of how much she had cried when he was away having dinner with some other woman.

Nandini(bluntly)- just shut up and let me sleep!

Manik- the date was fabulous.

Nandini- I thought it was a simple dinner.

Manik- ya I also thought so, but Meera is quite romantic, she had set up a date for us. You know champagne, lilies, slow music, fairy lights

Nandini(cuts him off)- I am not interested, I have more important matters to look into tomorrow morning so just let me sleep.

Saying this she turned her face to the other side. Manik lied down on his side and smiled seeing that his plan was working.


The next morning,

Dining table

It was only Manik and Nandini on the breakfast table as Aadhya had already left for school. Manik settled on the breakfast table and pretended to be on a call.

Manik- yes Meera

As soon as that name left his lips, Nandini fisted her palm in anger

Manik- don't worry I will be there. Yes okay. See you!

He kept the phone aside and started eating his breakfast in a hurry. Nandini was getting annoyed and finally not being able to bear it anymore she said or rather shouted with irritation clearly evident in her voice,

Nandini- what's your problem Manik? Why are throwing food inside you? Eat like a human atleast.

Manik didn't fail to notice that she had addressed him as Manik and not Mr.Malhotra. His name sounded so beautiful when spoken by her. He bit his lower lip to control the smile that threatened to break put on his lips seeing the woman in front of him, who was burning in jealousy. He calmed himself and said,

Manik- I am getting late, I have to meet Meera.

Nandini- you just talked to her, I think you won't die if you don't hear her voice for a few minutes. Anyways, she has called you eight times since morning.

Manik- that's because she cares for me Ms. Murthy.

Nandini felt like something sharp had stung her heart on being addressed as Ms. Murthy by him. Was he pushing her away? Was he really ready to marry someone else? Then why she had seen pain and regret in his eyes that day? If his love for her had finished then why couldn't she feel it? Why was her heart not ready to believe that he didn't belong to her anymore? These thoughts clouded her mind and made her feel pukish. She came out of her thoughts when she heard him saying,

Manik- okay I am done, I will see you in the evening, Bye.

Manik left without even listening to what she had to say.

Manik settled in his car,

Manik(to himself)- I am really sorry Nandini but this is the only way to save our relation. I know all of this is wrong, but I am helpless.


In the afternoon,

Nandini silently sat in her cabin. She turned her chair around to look at the beautiful scene before her through the huge window of her luxurious cabin. She stared at the sunset without blinking her eyes even for once. The sun had turned orange and the light it emitted, effortlessly painted the entire sky golden yellow. She sipped her earl grey tea glancing at the breathtaking view. Her trance was broken by the sound of a notification that popped on the screen of laptop. It was a mail from Malhotra enterprises reminding her about the meeting with the meeting with Mr.Mehta at the city stacks café today evening. She had already arranged everything for the meeting and also ordered Sanya to take care of Aadhya by going to her place when she will be away.

She kept staring at the screen with a blank look. Attending a meeting with Manik and Mr.Mehta together meant hearing about the topic that she was trying to erase from her life, the topic that pierced her heart, the topic of Meera and Manik's Wedding.

"Meera and Manik, didn't it sound weird? Just too many M's together. Manik and Nandini, how good and peaceful did that sound", came the voice of her heart, which was finding excuses to believe that things were still like the old times but unfortunately, there was no reason to believe this as everything was changing so drastically that it was next to impossible to turn a blind eye towards it. Eventhough their relation had broken years back, but even today the wounds were fresh. She was going through a turmoil of emotions.  Acceptance was difficult, but sadly it was no longer an option but the only thing that Nandini could do.



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