Let it all out

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( Theodore's pov )

'We're here.' I said as I unlocked the front door of my house.

'Be careful' I said loud right after she almost fell on the two single steps there were. She laughed dramatically as if it was funny that she went trough her legs.

'For the love of Christ' I muttered when she finally got into the house and I was able to close the door.

'I slept with him once, hhe has a s-shrimp.' She said laughing a little and showing her two fingers parallel.

'Right, I'm sure you did.'

I had already taken my shoes and jacket off and Lucy was leaning against the door with her eyes closed.

'Don't fall asleep Lucy.' I said to her. Lucy's eyes opened.

'You can sleep in my room, I'm sleep in the living room, alright?'

She didn't answer she just nodded her head.

'Are you coming?' I asked as I started to go up the stairs.

'I ddon't want... to walk.' She said after groaning at me.

I sighed deep as I walked back down the stairs, picked her up and carried her up.

'Thank kyou' she said when I put her down on the bed.

'Do I need you to bring a glass of water?' I asked.

She just shook her head and laid down again. I went over to her and put the blankets on top of her. I walked to the door, dimmed the lights and stepped down on the stairs again.

I drink a glass of water and went to sleep myself.


Lucy's pov :

'Goodnight.' I whispered just above my breath before Theodore left the room .


I woke up when I felt a bright ligt on my face. I slowly opened my eyes and the bright sun came trough the blinds. It must be around noon with this brightness.

My head was literally pounding.

Where even am I? I asked myself.

Just when I was going to stand up a knock on the door got to my attention.

'Yeah' I answered with a morning voice.

The door opened and the guy from yesterday walked in.

'Ah you're awake.' He said.

'Yeah.' I said while whipping my eyes with my hands.

'So Ehm... where exactly am I?' I question.

'Oh right, we're at my house. Your boyfriend that actually isn't your boyfriend. At least that's what you said yesterday. Is coming to pick you up.' He said rather fast.

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