I tried...

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The next day at 9 o'clock.

~Lucifers pov :

Maybe I should call Lucy to ask if she wants to come over, we really need to put things right. She should
be already up, I think. I took a shower and got dressed. Half an hour later I decided to call her.

'Hello' Lucy said still a bit sleepy.
'Good morning, I didn't wake you up, did I?
'Yes, Yes you did wake me up.'
'Well I wanted to ask if you want to come over.'
'Ehm ... sure, when?'
'11am?' I asked
'Don't you have to go to your 'job' then'  she asked laughing.
'No, I don't.'
'Well, sure than.'
'Okay, see you later'
'Bye' she said before the call ended.

I hope that this time the detective doesn't interrupt.
At 11 o'clock I heard the elevator doors opening and closing. And than I heard her voice.

'Dad, r you here?' She asked
'Yes, I'm coming.'

I was going down the stairs and Lucy was looking around. When she saw the piano she looked at me.

'You have a piano?' She asked with confusion.
'Of course I have, I'm not the devil without a piano.'
'That's true'

We both laughed for a few seconds. Than we walked to the couches an sat opposite to each other.

'So you wanted to talk so desperately that you needed to wake me up.' Lucy said joking, at least I think joking.
'Yes I actually do.'

She looked at me with a lot of confusion in her eyes.

'And ... about what?'
'I think we need to talk about : going home, the detective, detective douche and a lot of other stuff.' I said
'So first things first, I don't want to tell anyone that you're my daughter, yet.'
'Why? Are you ashamed of me are something.' She looked hurt.
'No, no, of course not, it's just... they probably are going to think that it's weird that I never talked about you and all of that.'
'Uhu, I don't really mind you know. It's wonderful to see the looks on blondy's face when I talk to you.'
'Wait. What look does she have?'
'A jealous one' she said smiling.
'Serious?' I asked confused.
'Do I look like I'm joking.'

It was quite for a few minutes. Until Lucy broke the silence.

'Ow yeah, I have a question to...'
I nodded.
'Is there a way into Lux where I don't need to show my ID?' She asked
'Yes there is BUT I don't want you to drink alcohol.'
'Ugh, why not?'
'Okay, okay ONE drink per evening. One!'
'Okay, I can try to live with that.'

I explained that she could just go to the entrance with a special cart. After I explained it, I gave her one of the carts.

'And I tough about it and I still don't want to go home, but I also don't want you to go back there. So we could
just both stay here on earth.'

It was again silence for a few seconds.

'I don't think it's a good idea.' She said. 'Why don't you want to go home?' She asked.
'First of all this is home to, and second of all earth is way more fun.'
'And let me guess, there is of course also the reason that Chloe is here, right.'
'Yes, yes that's also one of the reasons.'
'Well ever guested that, first you leave me for over 1000 years, than you stand me up and now I'm being replaced. How wonderful.'

She started to have tears in her eyes, I didn't know what to do, so I just listened to her.

'You do realise that you look a lot more like grandpa, than you think you do, right.' She said angry.

A tear rolled down her cheek, she looked a bit shocked as she whipped the tear away.
Than my phone ringed, it was laying on the table, so Lucy also looked who called. It was the detective.

'Oh...guessed that, work is calling.' She said while standing up.
'Well than I guess that that's my sign to go.' She said as she walked towards the elevator.
'No, work can wait.' I said
'No, no it's okay 'friend' go 'save' the humans...'

She walked into the elevator and the elevator went down. I sighed, I screwed up...again.
I totally forgot that the detective had called me. I walked to the bar and took a drink, and another, and well...another.

Two hours after Lucy left, my phone ringed again, than I realised that I forgot to call the detective back.
I went to the table and took my phone, it was the detective so I picked up the phone.

'Hello detective.' I said as happy I possibly could, I didn't wanted her to realise that something's wrong.
'Lucifer, there is a new case, a man got murdered in the middle of the day, do you want to come.'

A case, a good thing to get my mind somewhere else.

'Of course I'm coming.'
'I'l pick you up in 10 minutes.'
'Okay, Bye'

I really hope that I can concentrate with everything I have on my mind right now.

10 minutes later I hear the elevator opening and the detective came out.

'Ready to go, Lucifer?' She asked.
'Of course detective.'

We went inside the elevator and went down, once we were on the ground floor we walked to the car.
While we were in the car, she gave more details about the case. It was in the middle of the day, with a lot of
witnesses, and still nobody knows anything about the killer except that it was a woman. She was wearing a black hoodie and light gray sweatpants, the weird thing is: she was wearing heels. The victim got killed with a knife, but the knife was nowhere to be found.

15 minutes later, we arrived at the crime scene and did the usual detective stuff.
On the mans shirt was something written in ... Latin, it was : I tried and failed...as you can see, with a smiley next to it.
This was definitely Lucy.

'Do you recognise the language it's ritten in?' The detective asked Lopez.
'I don't know.' Lopez said, looking confused.
'It's Latin.' I said.

Lopez and the detective both looked at me like it was crazy that I knew that.

'What?' I asked.
'Nothing I'm just surprised that you know that.' The detective said.
'And do you know what it means?' Lopez asked.

I was silent for a couple seconds.

'Yes' I sighed.  'Yes I do.'
'Than what does it mean?'
'I tried and failed...as you can see.'
'Well that's dark...' Lopez said
The detective and I just nodded.

We looked around but didn't find anything. We questioned a few witnesses and after the detective and I went back to the crime scene.

'Don't you think it's weird, she was wearing heels when she was going to kill that man. And her hole outfit was a sporty outfit that she probably burned or threw away. But the heels.' The detective said.
'I think it's weird to, the outfit was obviously planned, with the hair in the hood and that stuff. Butt the heels, it doesn't make any sense.' Lopez said.

Than we looked around again, trying to find even the smallest piece of hair or anything that can bring us closer to the killer. Of course I could just get a hair whenever I see Lucy. But I'm not going to betray her.

We looked around for an other hour but didn't found anything so, we went back to the police station.

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