Don't run off again

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I kept running, not having any clue where to even look for her.

But running through the streets is the only option I have. I can't call nor text her, because she thew her bloody phone away.
I took my phone and looked for a picture of her. While I was passing people I asked them if they had seen Lucy. Most people said no, except for an elderly man in his 80's. He had apparently seen her run, besides her ran a tall man with huge muscles.
The elderly man gave me the streetname and I began to run again.

I arrived at the street and looked around. But ofcourse she was nowhere to be seen. It was a small street with mostly garages and trash next to the walls. On the end of the street was a boxing club. Not very interesting I thought. I walked past it and looked inside, still nothing interesting about boxing.

Hold on...

I took a few steps back and looked inside. There she was. Lucy was boxing with a tall muscular man. I felt jealous.
She was Wearing a tight red shirt and short black shorts.

I walked inside and went over to the two of them. Lucy looked in my direction and saw me coming closer. Her nose was bleeding, her lip was bleeding and she had bruises all over her body.

'Ralphy' she said. She weaved at me. I grabbed the man by his shirt and put him against the wall.

'Malphas, put him down.' Lucy said.

'No.' I said between my teeth. 'He was hurting you' I added.

'He wasn't hurting me.' She said sounding angry. She grabbed both of my arms, causing the man to stand back on the floor.

'You have bruises everywhere. And besides I don't mind hurting some humans.' I said while I once again grabbed the man and pinned him to the wall.

'Yes, because I had asked him to.' Lucy now yelled at me.

I let her words sink in for a second and slowly let the man back onto his feet.
'What on earth do you mean?'

'Look, I asked him to hit me, alright. It's my fault.'

'No its not alright.' I yelled 'Why would you let him hit you?'

'Don't you see it Malphas, I'm bleeding, I can get hurt... I can die... And I won't let this opportunity go.'

'What do you mean, Lucy? What opportunity?'

'Just... Let it go Malphas. I asked you to not come look for me, and yet you're standing right in front of me.'

'Of course I came looking for you. And I'm glad I did because you aren't alright. This is not...This is not good.' I said as I walked closer to her and cupped her cheeks. 'We're going.' I said.

'No' she yelled, getting out of my grip.

'Yes. Where are your clothes?' I said in a now calmer way.

'In the dressing room.' She answered

'And where is that? I asked. She didn't answer and just looked at me. I turned towards the man and asked him the same thing. He looked at Lucy in a questioning way.

'Don't tell him.' She said to him.

The man looked back at me and sighed. 'It's that way.' He said, pointing at a door. I took Lucy's wrist and dragged her to the door. 'It's the second door on the left.' The man yelled after us.

The door leaded to a hallway I opened the second door on the left, like the man had told me, and went inside. I closed the door behind us and locked it. I took the key and let go of Lucy.

'Let me go.' She said trying to open the door.

'Nope. Won't happen.'

'You're a dick.' She spat.

'Well no not really, I have a dick. But I'm not one.' I said. I sighed. 'Look just get changed, I'll turn around.'

'Alright.' She said.

I gave her a small smile and turned towards the door. 'Just hurry up, it's quite boring to look at a door.'

After 5minutes of me staring at the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder. The hand turned me around. I saw Lucy and quickly closed my eyes.

'Please, I'm already dressed.' She said. I opened my eyes and saw indeed an almost fully dressed Lucy. 'Are you that scared to see me naked?' She teased.

'No, I'm not but' I started but got cut of by Lucy.

'Year yeah. Can you zip me up please?' She asked while she turned around.

'Sure. Can you move your hair a bit?' I asked. I took the zipper and slowly zipped it up, making sure that no fabric got between it. I could see she was wearing a black lace bra. Her hair smells nice.

'All done.' I said. She let go of her hair and turned back to me. 'Thank you.' She said, having a smile on her face.

'Alright ready to go?' I asked. She nodded her head but before I opened the door I turned back to her. 'Just please, don't run off again.' I said. Her eyes were sparkling and she looked down 'I won't.' She said.

I opened the door and we went outside of the building. She said goodbye to the man and gave him a hug. Once again I got a jealous feeling. 'Let's go.' I said. She broke the hug and came to me.

'Where are we even going?' She asked

'A random hotel.' I said. Not yet knowing where exactly we were going.

(A: Alright, it's about liked 4 or even 5 months ago that I uploaded a chapter. But here it is. Sorry that I didn't write sooner, but I really just hadn't any inspiration and I also didn't really like to write this anymore. Mostly because I know that I'll have to edit the chapters and I'm not looking forward for that.
Anyway, I will try to upload the next one as soon as possible. I don't know when that's going to be because I almost have exams.
Thank you for reading this chapter and this story so far!! Give this chapter a vote (if you want)!

Words : 1028

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