Ch. 13 - Temptation

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After the session with Cain was over Rachel left the gym, going out into the hallway and pressing her back against the wall, tilting her head back and closing her eyes, panting. The sexual tension building up between her and Cain was almost too much to handle. His touch had her entire body tingling right now from head to toe. Who knew a sore muscle massage could turn a person on that much? 

She stood there catching her breath, when she saw the gym door open from her peripheral vision and she turned her head and saw Cain walking out wearing the same loose tank top that showed his strong upper body with a hockey duffel slung over his shoulder. His shaggy brown hair, chiseled jaw line and grey eyes under smoldering dark eyebrows made her heart skip a beat. He was so ridiculously hot she couldn't take it. She knew she had to focus on the Olympics but how was it humanly possible to resist him. 

He looked up and noticed her standing there and a smile slowly formed on his face as he walked towards her and that made butterflies erupt inside her. 

 "Hey Rachel. Are you okay?" he asked in his deep smooth voice stopping in front of her. She got a whiff of his cologne and that sent a shiver across her skin. 

She slowly lifted her head and looked up into his steel grey eyes with her heart pounding against her chest that was rising and falling with her shallow breaths. She looked up at his lips and she couldn't take it anymore. 

"Cain," she said breathlessly. "Kiss me." 

His eyes studied hers and he asked, "Are you sure Rachel?" 

"Yes," she panted. "I've never been more sure of anything."

He stepped closer, cupping his hands around her face, and his eyes locked onto hers as he leaned in slowly and her eyes closed right as his lips softly pressed against hers. She felt herself melt into him, pressing her body against his firm chest and wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. His hands wrapped around her lower back and pulled her against him as his mouth covered hers, his tongue pushing past her lips and massaging against her tongue in waves that made her insides ignite. 

That was the most amazing kiss of her life and her entire body was on fire and tingling. She finally pulled back and stepped away from him, breathing heavily. He was breathing heavy too and looking at her with his smoldering grey eyes. 

They stood there, looking at each other in awkward silence, both panting and not sure what to say.  She looked down at her phone and her eyes widened when she saw the time. 

 "I'm sorry. I have to go. I've got a skating lesson starting in five minutes," she said, picking up her bag and heading down the hall. 

"Rachel!" Cain called after her. "Can I talk to you after you get off work tonight?" 

She turned and looked at him over her shoulder, giving him a warm smile and saying, "Yeah," before turning and walking away. 


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