Ch. 25 - Busted

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"Coach!" Rachel yelled in shock as she jumped back from Cain like a kid that just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. 

She stood there with wide eyes, paralyzed with her mouth hanging open, not sure what to do. She looked over at Cain and he looked just as lost for words as her. 

Coach Sumners looked back and forth between them for a second and finally said, "Oh, you guys thought I didn't know?" 

Her jaw dropped in shock. "You knew! How? When!" she asked in confusion. 

He laughed and shook his head like he was amused by the whole thing. 

"I've known since the day you kissed out on the ice before hockey practice. You forget I have a view of the ice from my office." 

"Seriously? You've known that long and you didn't say anything?" she asked in disbelief. "I'm surprised you didn't storm down onto the ice and demand I never see him again. That's what you would've done when you coached me before."

"Yeah and do you know why I did that?" he asked. 

"Because you don't want me to date so I'll stay focused on skating?" she asked, saying it as if it was an obvious answer. 

"No. I did it because those other guys weren't good for your career. They were the kind of guys that would convince you to show up late or skip practices all together, to go out to parties late on Friday nights when you had an important competition the next day. They didn't have any respect for what you were trying to do and they were selfish. They weren't good for you." 

Coach Sumners looked over at Cain and said, "I've known Cain for two years now and he's nothing like that. If anything he would be the one to help keep you motivated and on-task and encouraging you not to give up. He's a very driven and motivated young man, and he's a good man. The kind I'm happy to see you with."

For some reason this conversation felt more like Rachel was getting a father's blessing to date someone instead of a coach's. Coach Sumners really was like a Dad to her. He had been more of a Dad and father figure to her than her real Dad throughout her life, so hearing him say that about Cain made her eyes water and she walked over and gave Coach a hug. 

"Thanks Coach," she said with a smile. "It really means a lot to hear you say that." 

After she let go Cain walked over and shook his hand. "Thank you sir. I'm honored that you feel that way. Your opinion matters a lot to me. You're a great coach and I've learned a lot from you over the last two years,  seeing how close you are with your skaters."

"Thank you son. Now don't make me regret this. I'm trusting you with my most important skater," he said, gripping his hand firmly.  

"You won't regret it sir. The last thing I want to do is mess this up for Rachel. I want her to succeed just as bad as you do."

"I believe you," Coach Sumners told him with a smile. He looked over at Rachel and said, "See I told you. Good man," he said, patting Cain's arm before he turned and walked away, saying, "You kids have fun. I'm going home to see my wife. Enjoy your day off tomorrow."

He walked out of the rink and through the big glass doors into the lobby.

Rachel looked at Cain and said, "Wow. That didn't go at all how I figured it would and I'm really glad," she laughed. She skated over to him and said, "Soooooo, I have an entire day off tomorrow. I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself." 

He reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her against him and he wrapped his arms around her back, leaning down and whispering in her ear. "I can think of a few things." 

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