Ch. 33 - Best Boyfriend Ever

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"Wife Material," he whispered, looking over into her eyes and studying her face for a reaction.

Her stomach did a flip and she got goosebumps on her arms. "I like that nickname," she whispered, looking into his eyes with a smile.

"Me too," he smiled back, reaching over and laying his hand on her upper thigh as he took a bite of his food. 

As she sat there eating too she pictured herself being Cain's wife one day and that thought made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside..

"So you said you've got a figure skating competition tomorrow?" one of the guys from across the table asked.

She looked over at him and he was one of the younger looking guys, probably about nineteen or twenty. She took a breath in and let it out as she came out of the happy trance Cain had her under and she tried to focus her mind on answering his question. 

"Yeah, umm," she said, blinking a couple times. "I'm competing in the Midwestern Sectional Skating Championships tomorrow. The winners from that will go on to compete in the National Championship and then the winners from the National Championship will determine who gets to go to the Olympics." 

"Is that your goal, to get to the Olympics?" he asked, with a mouth full of food.

"Yeah, that's the goal," she said taking a bite of the delicious salad Cain had made.

"Well good luck with that," the guy laughed. "I mean, don't get me wrong. It's great to have big goals and all, but it's a little unrealistic."

The guy next to him smacked the back of his head, "You idiot. Don't you know who she is?" 

The young guy looked at Rachel and then around at the faces of all the other players on the team that were looking at him like he was a moron. "No," he said, "should I?" 

They all started laughing really hard and hearing that made Rachel laugh slightly too. 

The young guy said, "Ok. Can someone let me in on the joke now?" 

Cain spoke up and said, "She's Rachel Beckett, the famous figure skater. She's one of only four women in history that have landed a quadruple jump in a competition. She's a pretty big deal," he said looking over at her with a smile. "She's already been to the Olympics before and not only do I think she'll make it there again, but I think she can win Gold." 

Seeing the proud look on his face and hearing Cain say that he believed in her and thought she could win gold made her heart swell. She leaned over and gave him a peck on the lips and said, "Thanks babe."

After they were done eating the guys walked into the living room and turned on a hockey game and Cain took her hand and said, "We're gonna turn in guys. She's got a really big day tomorrow so she needs to get her rest." 

"It was nice to meet all of you," Rachel said with a smile and wave as she passed. Cain led her upstairs to his room on the third floor and closed and locked the door behind them. 

He turned around and looked down at her with his steel grey eyes and she got butterflies and her insides instantly melted. He looked so hot, standing there with his chiseled jaw line that was starting to get a little stubble on it. Normally he was clean shaven but she liked the stubble. It made him look rugged and sexy. 

"I've missed you this week," he whispered, stepping forward and wrapping a hand around the back of her neck and pressing his lips softly to hers as she closed her eyes. His soft, gentle kiss felt so good it made her body tingle. 

"I missed you too," she whispered back before he covered her mouth with his, his tongue pushing past her lips and massaging against hers, turning his head to the side and kissing her deeply while his hands slid under her shirt. His fingers lightly skimmed across the skin of her waist before pulling in at the arch of her back to bring her body against his. She could feel his hardness pressing up against her and her heart started beating faster and her breaths got shallow. It had only been a week since they had slept together last but it felt like it had been an eternity and she was desperate for him.

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