Ch. 49 - The Next Generation

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***** 10 Years Later *****

Rachel stood next to the ice rink door that led out onto the ice of the huge skating arena in Paris, France. She looked up at the colorful Olympic rings hanging high above the rink from the rafters and the ones sketched onto center ice and the memories it brought back gave her goosebumps down her arm.

Rachel grabbed Kinsley's hands and looked into her eyes and said, "Kinsley, you know this routine by heart inside and outside, so just go out there and feel the music and enjoy being at the Olympics. I want you to go out there and have fun and know that no matter what happens, I am SO proud of you," she said, grabbing her into a tight hug.

"Thanks Coach," Kinsley smiled, patting her back and stepping back from the hug as she heard the announcers calling her name.

"Please welcome to the ice Kinsley Tanner, current reigning U.S. Women's Figure Skating Champion representing the U.S."

Rachel opened the rink door for her and said, "Knock 'em dead kid," with a smile, patting her on the shoulder and she smiled back at her with a nod of her head before skating out onto the ice.

Rachel closed the door behind her and stood there watching, spinning the ring around on her finger nervously and biting her lip. It was almost more nerve wracking watching her skater go out there than it had been when she was doing it herself. She had no doubts that Kinsley could do it though. She was so driven and determined. She had always reminded her so much of herself, even from that very first practice and she always knew she had the potential to be great.

Kinsley took her starting pose and then the soft music began to play and she skated forward, gliding gracefully across the ice as her arms raised in the air and she lifted a leg behind her. Her movements were smooth and effortless and it looked like she was floating as she went into a sit spin and then stood up, lifting her leg in front of her and spinning really fast. It was a unique spin Kinsley had come up with herself.

Rachel held her breath because she knew the first jumps were coming up. Kinsley threw a triple lutz followed right after by a triple toe loop and she landed them perfectly and the audience started cheering and Rachel pumped her fist in the air.

"Yes!" she shouted, with a smile clapping like crazy.

As she watched Kinsley out there skating in her first Olympics she was reminded of Kinsley's very first lesson with her when she asked her if there was a chance she could make it to the Olympics one day and she had told her yes. She felt so much pride from helping her make that dream come true that it made tears start to well up in her eyes. She held her breath again as Kinsley's quad was coming up. This was the first time she had ever attempted it in a competition and if she landed it, it was going to surprise a lot of people.

It felt like she was watching her in slow motion. Kinsley glided across the ice picking up speed, and then put her arms out to the side and bent her front leg, digging the toe pick into the ice and springing up in the air, bringing her feet together and hugging her arms in tight, spinning around four times before landing on one leg perfectly with the other one stretched out behind her. 

Rachel punched her arms straight up into the air and started jumping up and down screaming. She didn't even care if she looked like a crazy person right now. The entire stadium erupted and the fans were on their feet, waving the US flag, cheering Kinsley's name and chanting USA, USA, USA. The feeling in that place was magical. 

After Kinsley hit her final pose she dropped to her knees and started sobbing, feeling so overwhelmed by the emotion of that moment. It reminded Rachel so much of how she felt after her routine at her second Olympics when she knew she had won the gold medal. 

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