Ch. 27 - The State Championships

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***** One Week Later *****

Rachel sat in the hockey stands at the huge Excel Energy arena in St. Paul Minnesota where the Minnesota Wild play. That was where the State High School Hockey Championships were being played and Rachel was sitting right in the middle between her Mom and Dad and Laney was on her Dad's other side. It was the first time Rachel had seen her Dad in two years and the vibe felt really tense and awkward between everyone. 

Part of that tension could also be because he was sitting one seat away from his ex-wife, who he made it very clear when he moved out three years ago that he hated her with a burning passion and hoped she would fall of a cliff and die. Yeah things there at the end were really toxic between the two of them and of course her Mom blamed her and what happened at the Olympics for all of it. 

It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that she had a horrible temper and was verbally and emotionally abusive to everyone in the household and stubborn as a mule. Of course that couldn't be it. (insert eyeroll here)

"So Spencer was telling me you're dating his hockey coach," her Dad said, taking a bite of his hot dog he had gotten from the concession stand. 

"Yeah. His name's Cain Reed. He's a really great guy," she said, popping a grape in her mouth from the bag of healthy snacks she had brought with her. Concession stand food was definitely not on her diet plan even though it smelled amazing right now.

"Yeah I know who Cain Reed is, I mean not personally.  I watched him quite a few times when he played for the L.A. Kings. He's got a killer backhand shot and his slap shot is the best I've ever seen. He's an amazing hockey player," he said, clearing his throat and looking down at his hot dog. "I just don't know if I like the idea of him dating my daughter."

 "Why not?" she asked, scrunching her eyebrows. 

"Because he's a hockey player and that's exactly what they are ........ players. I know because I was one and I got a lot of action back in my day and I only made it to the USHL level. I never even made it into the NHL."

"You sound just like Spencer," she grumbled. 

"Well, if we're both saying it maybe you should listen." 

"I wish you both would stop judging him just because he's a really good hockey player and has female fans. It's not fair to judge him by what other hockey players do. He's nothing like that. He's actually a really great guy ......... and I really like him." 

Her Dad exhaled deeply and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well when he breaks your heart, and I know he will, don't say I didn't warn you." 

She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, going back to eating her grapes and papaya.

"Look, I'm sorry. I haven't seen you in two years and I don't want to spend the little time I do get to see you fighting." 

"Yeah I don't either," she agreed. 

They sat there in silence and watched as the game started. Cain had the team gathered around and he was talking to them intently and they started chanting and slamming the end of their hockey sticks on the ground over and over before cheering and pumping their chests. She could tell they were really pumped up for this game and there was an excited energy coming from their side of the rink. 

The other team looked more worried and serious. As soon as the game started our team got possession of the puck and it wasn't long before Spencer broke away and skated down the ice and made a perfect slapshot that soared right past the goalie and hit the net. 

The crowd was on their feet screaming. Rachel stood up and cheered for her brother and she was really happy for him even though deep in her heart she hoped they would lose. As the game went on her hopes of that happening got more and more dim. Spencer's team had possession of the puck way more and made a lot more shot attempts than the other team. 

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