Ch. 22 - Minnesota Wild

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The next morning Rachel woke up before her alarm even went off and Cain's warm, naked body was cuddled up against hers, spooning her from behind with his arm wrapped snugly around her waist. She loved how safe and secure he made her feel, and she closed her eyes and let out an exhale, enjoying it for a few more minutes. It was just starting to get light outside when she reached over and grabbed her phone off the nightstand and saw that it was 8:00 am. She had such an amazing sleep last night after Cain's full body massage made her pass out. The best sleep she had had in a long time.

She very carefully got out from under his arm, moving slowly so she wouldn't wake him and then sat up and stretched. She got up and walked over to one of the massive windows in Cain's bedroom that overlooked the lake, and she saw the sun shining on the bright white snow making it sparkle and there was a beautiful white & grey snowy owl perched on the limb right outside his window.

 It really was beautiful out here next to the lake and she could see why he said he had no plans to leave here. She couldn't blame him. She got up and grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste out of her purse and headed into the bathroom to brush her teeth. Morning breath was her biggest pet peeve. She put on some deodorant and perfume and some really light natural looking makeup. 

"Good morning," she heard a deep husky voice say and she lifted her head and saw Cain's reflection behind her in the mirror as he reached down and kissed her shoulder before grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste out of the cabinet. He had the hottest case of bedhead she had ever seen and it made her smile. 

"Good morning," she told him. 

As he was standing there brushing his teeth with his mouth full of bubbles he asked, "What are your plans for the day?" 

"I've got two hours of ice skating at the rink from 11:00 to 1:00 and then two hours of ballet from 2:00 to 4:00 and then I have a break and then two more hours of skating from 6:00 to 8:00 and then I'm going to run home with my brother. Tomorrow I've actually got the whole day off! I'm so excited. It feels like it's been forever since I got a day off. What are your plans?"

"I've got hockey practice with the guys today from 6:00 to 8:00. Our team's undefeated and  we've got to get ready for State. This town hasn't had a team qualify for state for hockey in fifteen years so everyone's excited," he said, rinsing and spitting in the sink.

"Really? That's awesome! What do you think your chances are of winning?" 

"I'm starting to think they're pretty good. I gave them a little extra incentive to win," he laughed a little to himself, getting out the floss and flossing his teeth.

"Oh yeah? What kind of extra incentive?"" 

"Well you know how I told you I retired from the NHL because I got injured? Well my ankle injury is all better and the guys have been begging me for a while to try out for the Minnesota Wild. They keep on saying I'm good enough to be in the NHL again and they're convinced I'll make it.  At the beginning of the season I finally broke down and made them a deal. I said if they win state I would try out for the Minnesota Wild to shut them up about it once and for all." 

"Really? You told them you'd try out for the Minnesota Wild?" she asked. This was the first time she had ever heard about this. 

"Yeah. You should've seen their faces. They all went nuts," he laughed. "Back then it was just for fun, something to motivate them, you know? I didn't think there was much of a chance for us to actually make it state, let alone win it, but apparently my bet motivated the guys even more than I thought it would. We're undefeated for the season and we made it to State. If we win this game in two weeks it looks like I'll be trying out to be in the NHL again."

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