Chapter 5

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8 years later


*beep beep beep*

"Babe can you turn it off" I said half asleep

*beep beep beep*

"Babe can you please turn that shit off"

I don't hear answer, all I hear is that damn alarm going off.

"Babe can you-" I stop mid sentence because I see that my girlfriend Katie was not on the bed with me

"Where is she?"

I get up to open the door to see Katie holding out a cake.

"What's this?" I ask with a smile

"No no no no, you are supposed to be in bed. I was going to give this to you while you were still in bed" she tells them while pouting

"Oh well I can go back to bed if you want-" I said turning back to go to bed

"No it's fine I mean you are already up anyways" She says leaving to go put the cake back on the counter

"I'm assuming cake is for breakfast?" I said with a smile

"Yes but don't forget that we are having lunch with the other cast members" she says pointing a finger at me

"How can I forget, it's going to be my birthday lunch" I said

Me and Katie are famous actors. We both met when my boss told me that she was going to be working with us for awhile. Then we had a couple of dates we started dating. We been together for about a year now. And today's my birthday I am turning 21 and life is good. Oh not to mention me and Katie are both working together in a movie right now. So that's a lot of fun

"Hey what are you thinking about?" Katie told me

"Oh nothing just telling them how we met and all"

"Oh ok, well come on we have to go."

I grab the car keys and I head out the door waiting in the car for Katie

I was on my phone then I put it down when I felt eyes burning holes in the side of my head

I gave Katie a side eye when see was still staring at me

"Um hi" I said while looking at her when I stopped at a red light

"Hi" she smiled but still looking at me

"Ok babe you've been staring at me for I don't know how long but it's starting to freak me out, what's on your mind?"

"Did your mom called you, you know for your birthday?"

I continued driving not answering her questions. And stopped the car when we arrived on set.

"No she hasn't..."

Even tho she forced me to never see my best friend again, I still hurt me that she hasn't even called to tell me happy birthday.

"Oh well maybe next birthday" I said with a sad smile

"Yeah maybe" Katie gave me a smile trying to make me feel better

"How I ever told you how beautiful you look?"

"How shut up you tell me every day"

"That because I love you" I tell her while leaning for a kiss

We pull away when we hear a knock at the window

"Oh hi boss"

"Hey y/n, katie, so I was wondering if you are going to stay in the car and share kisses or are you going to set and start working?"

"Umm..." I say with a smile

He looks at me with a warning glare

"I'm kidding Dave, no need to get all worked up" I said while getting out of the car with Katie

"Don't push my buttons y/n"

"Oh come on you love working with me" I smirked

"Yeah whatever" he said while walking away

"Oh and y/n"


"Happy birthday"

"Thank you" I said with a smile

Few hours later

"Hey y/n happy birthday bro, but we have a meeting to go to." Matt my cast mate and friends told me

"Alright bro I'll see you there"

Five minutes later

"Sorry to call everyone in for this last minute meeting. First things first y'all guys did wonderful work today. We are halfway done with this new movie staring Katie Williams. And don't forget we are going to Colorado for the next two scenes so start packing because we are staying there for like two weeks. Oh and one last announcement... happy 21st birthday y/n."

"Ah thank you guys" I said after people said "happy birthday"

"Alright y'all guys can go home"

On the way home

"So..." Katie said


"On the scale of 1-10 how happy will you be if I invited your sister and mom over to celebrate your birthday?"

"Well it would be a 8 since I haven't seen them for a while"

"But why an 8?"

"Cause I know they are not going to to show up, so why get your hopes up you know?"

After I said that the car ride was quiet for a while

"Why?" I said

"Oh just cuz..."

"No tell me the actual reason"

"Umm well... imighthaveinvitedyoursisterandmomtocelebrateyourbirthday"

I some how understood what she said

"It's ok babe, but they might not show up"

"Who knows maybe they might surprise you"

"How do you see the best in everyone?"

"I don't know I just do"

"Ok we are her- wait who's car is that?"

"Umm I wanna say probably your sister's?"

"Ok well, wait hold on how how did they even get in?"

"That I don't know"

Ok well I don't know what to expect. I haven't seen them for awhile now. But hopefully they changed?
I don't know I'm just nervous, well here goes nothing.....

- well that's it for today's chapter I hope y'all had a great day/night who knows where y'all live... the point is I hoped y'all had a good time

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