Chapter 11

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Guys so I have a gf now lmfao I did not see that coming



Bro so remember when we watched one of Katie Williams' movies? Right so I've been watching her other movies and they are so good.

She's such a great actor.

I get pulled away from my thoughts when my phone rings.

"Oh hey q" I say when I see his face pop on the screen

"Hey baby, how are you doing today?"

"I'm doing ok thanks for asking... what about you?" I ask him

"I'm doing fine. It's cold as fuck but I'm doing ok"

I laughed a little. And he just smiles at me.

"Stop staring at me weirdo"

"You are too beautiful not to stare at"

I blushed, but I have my red LED light on so he can't see me blush.

"I love you and I'm in love with you" I say to him

"I love you too" he smiles back

Few minutes later

"Alright baby I have to go."

"Already?" I whined

"We've been on the phone for at least 2 hours. So yes already"

"Ok bye q"


I throw my phone on my bed, then I jumped on my bed.

"I'm bored" I say to myself not expecting anyone to answer

"I can see that" finneas says out of nowhere

"Shit bro. Omg you scared the crap out of me" I put my hand over my heart cuz it was beating fast

"Oh shit my bad" he tries to hide a smile

"What do you want fin?"

"Oh I just wanted to know if you want to continue working on the song?"

"Yeah sure i guess" I said "just give me 5 minutes"

"Ok I'll see you in my room"

"Alright" I said quietly

Finneas notices and doesn't leave the room.

"Hey is something wrong?"

"I don't know?. I been having this weird mood ever since I opened that box right there" I point to the box with all of me and y/n stuff

Finneas walks over to the box. And he opens it and starts looking through it, one by one. He stops his movement when he picked up a certain picture.

I go next to him to see what he is looking at. I see a sad smile on his face.



"You ok?"

"Yeah it's just... this picture. It's my favorite picture of all three of us. Me, you and y/n" he says with a sad smile

I look at it too. I never realized how much I missed y/n. I guess it's because I got famous and couldn't really miss her fully. What I mean is I just it just never really hit me that y/n is gone and is somewhere in Seattle.

"I hope she's doing good in Seattle"I say breaking the silence.

" too* finneas says putting the picture back in the box. Than he starts putting everything back.

"Alright let's start working yeah?"

"Mhmm let's go"

- a/n: it's funny to think about it... I was single at the beginning of the day and now I'm dating someone. Wow

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