Chapter 29

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i just wanted to say thank you on how so many people read this it means a lot to me so thank you.


2 weeks later


I was inside a coffee shop waiting for my coffee and I was also working on some shit i didn't want to but I had to. It's been crazy after Katie posted the break up video. Everyone is trying to get answers on the real reason we broke up. They said that the video feels off, but the break up part was real. It's just too much.

And this is the first time I'm out in public after that video was posted and I'm surprised the paparazzi hasn't found me yet. It's quiet.... a little too quiet. I look around to see everyone but they are doing their own things. But why do I has this weird feeling someone is watching me?

I was too busy to try and find out who watching me to noticed that my dad joined me.

"jesus" I put my hand on my chest to feel how fast my heart is beating. "You scared the shit out of me." I said.

"You meaning to tell me you're gay?" He says.

"What happened to "hello daughter I miss you" "Hey, how are you" or ready this is my favorite one "sorry for almost giving you a heart attack" what happened to that?" I said folding my arms.

"Sorry. Hi, anyways you're gay?" He said.

"Yeah, I'm Bisexual" I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Huh, weird i thought you were lesbian. You don't look like the type of person to like men." He said taking a sip of his coffee which made me smack him in the shoulder.

"Anyways what are you doing here besides getting coffee?" I asked.

"Well I was on a drive clearing my head then I saw your car parked outside this coffee shop. So I came in and here we are." He said.

"te estás volviendo viejo papá" I said pulling out a white hair. (you're getting old dad)

"Ay no don't remind me." he said holding his head and I start laughing.

my hone started ringing so i asked my dad if i could take this call and he let me so i went outside to answer it.

"hey what sup?" I said to billie.

"you wanna come over I'm bored." Billie asked.

"I mean yeah but I have to get this work done." I said.

"You can get it done over here. Please I miss you." 

"Billie you saw me yesterday." I said chuckling. 

"So? That doesn't mean I don't miss you"

"Omg ok I'll be over there in 15 minutes."

I walk back inside and joined my dad on the table again. 

"Sorry dad but I have to go my friend billie needs me." I said getting my things.

"This friend of yours... is she your new girlfriend?" He asked. Which made me choke on air i don't know how that's even possible.

"No dad she's just my friend." I said.

but I wish she was more than that.

"But you wish she wasn't though, maybe something else?" He said chuckling because he was able to see right through the lies I told.

"I- umm... what no-" I said stammering over my words.

"I'm just messing with you." He said chuckling.

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