Chapter 36

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Bro how many dabloons do y'all have?


It was the next day since the whole incident and well let's just say I haven't seen Silas since.

I know I should be like I don't know mad that he like was apart of a kidnapping but like I'm not mad.

It feels wrong to say but I'm kinda happy? I don't know I'm just confused. It's just all this time I thought he was dead.

Turns out he was just in my fathers gang. My dad thought this would be a good opportunity to finally convince me to join but once again I shut him down.

I don't want to be apart of his group. Plus I can lose my career and everything I have ever worked hard for if I join. So no thank you.

"Mija come on think about it. Yesterday was a perfect example of what could happened to you if you didn't have my protection." He said making his coffee.

"Yeah well do you know what else it was a perfect example for?" I said

"What?" He said taking a sip of his coffee.

"What would happen if people knew I was your daughter and I joined your group." I said. "Look I have responsibilities that I just can't run away from." I said looking at my phone when I get a message from my manager.

"Now if you excuse me, I have to take this phone call." I said leaving to go to the room me and Billie are staying in.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey y/n we need to talk about yesterday."

"Uh yeah sure what about it?" I asked.

"That was good enough content for at least two weeks. You should see all the edits your fans have been making." He said

"Oh ok good and I'll look at them." I said

"Also, I have a question." He said.

"What's the question?" I ask.

"Is there anything going on with you and Billie Eilish?"

"What? No there nothing going on with us. We are just friends." I say lying to him.

"Your fans shipping edits say otherwise."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask confused.

"Well y/n I have to go to this meeting I'll call you later."

"Wait-" I was cut off when I heard phone call ended.

"Who was that on the phone?" Billie asked coming inside the room and sitting down on the bed.

"Oh it was just my manager." I said. "He said I should look at the edits that the fandom is making."

"I was looking at the edits too." She said. "They are going crazy when you hold my hand and when you told me that you missed me." She said.

"I mean it was true. I did miss you." I said sitting down next to her. "How are you doing?" I ask

"I honestly don't know. I don't really remember what happened. I just heard a lot of yelling and banging. Mostly my head was pounding in pain." She said.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that. You shouldn't have followed me." I said pulling her into a hug.

"I was worried about you. You left the house in a rush and I had a feeling something was off so I went after you." She said pulling away to look at me.

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