Chapter 21

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Hey what's up fuckers I just finished On my block and i'm suing Netflix :)


I walked back in the hospital feeling the alcohol starting to take our me. I walk back into the room my mom was staying in, and the doctors were there. I see Elena crying and Katie as well, I also see the screen off were I was able to see my mom's heart rate and her blood pressure. I turn to look at my mom who looks lifeless.

"No..." I said feeling tears forming into my eyes. "It's not true... please tell me you are lying...."

"I'm sorry but your mother has passed away at 8:50 pm" The doctor said then he left the room. I look down to see on my watch that the time  9: 30.

"I only went to get a drink an two hours ago..." I said quietly. "I left to go drink..." I said now tears dripping down my face. "I should've been here.... but I left TO GO DRINK" I started to yell because I was angry at myself for leaving my mom when I knew she didn't have much time left. Elena tried to calm me down but it didn't work, so did Katie but it didn't work. I started punching the wall until my knuckles started bleeding. Katie and Elena tried to stop me but it didn't work.

I stopped punching the wall and went over to sit on the chair that is next to my mom's bed. I held her hand which was now cold, and limp. Then I finally broke down, tears started escaping out of my face. I got up and laid down next to my mom's body crying on her chest and not feeling her chest move which made me cry even harder. I feel Elena's hands trying to pull me off of her, but I didn't let her. A few minutes of her trying she was able to pull me off of her. Then she pulled me into her arms.

(Imma do something different whatever is in bold is based on true events)

Flashback 15 ago

"y/n? What's wrong?" my mom said.

"I had a bad dream mommy." I said while crying

"What was the dream about?" my mom ask while sitting down on the bed.

"You died, you did in my arms and I couldn't save you." I said through tears.

"What made you dream of that y/n?" my mom said.

"I don't know, please don't die live forever please mommy." I said while hugging her.

"I won't live forever but I wont leave you" my mom said.

End of flashback

I pulled away from Elena and went to my mom and held her hand not caring out how bloody my knuckles are.

"You left me mom, you said you wouldn't leave me but you did." I said tears coming down my face. "Say hi to grandpa and tell him I hope he found the light for me yeah... I love you mom" I said giving her a kiss on her forehead.

Then I walked out the room with Katie on one side and Elena on the other side of me. We were stopped by a doctor who notice my bloody knuckles.

"Woah, are you ok there ma'am? Let me bandage your hand up" The doctor said. I wanted to refuse but I didn't realized I was starting to feel the pain so I went ahead and let the doctor bandage up my hand then we left the hospital, Katie is driving us home since I'm still pretty drunk.

"Are you ok?" Katie ask.

"No, I need a drink." I said putting my head against the window.

"I think you've had enough to drink." Katie said.

"No Katie I had enough with you." 


"I'm done, I can't do it anymore, I sit here and pretend I still don't have feelings for you. Hell you were the love of my life, but you had to ruin that yeah? Why did you do it, was I not good enough? What was the reason? I can't sit here and pretend I'm ok with you TALKING TO THE SAME PERSON YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH!" 

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