Chapter 38

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yall should be lucky im even doing this rn



I was slammed against the wall with a metal rod cutting my airway off.

"What... the hell... is your... problem?" I managed to choke out.

"Well that's just the thing. You're my problem." the man in the masked said.

I moved my hands from the rod to his head, scratching him trying to get ahold of something. Then I shoved my thumb into his eye. He screams in pain and lets me go. I fall to the floor crawling away trying to get the gun that's under the table.

"YOU BITCH." Was what he said then he grabbed my legs and dragged me towards him.

I started kicking him and I ended up kicking his balls. He let everything go and fell to the ground. I got up and dusted myself off.

"Oops guess no more kids for you." I said.

"I'm going to kill you." He said in pain.

"You literally just tried to, but look how that turned out." I said.

He was still laying down on the floor when I grabbed a rag from the kitchen while grabbing the chloroform from under the sink. I put the chloroform all over the rag and I walked over to the guy in the mask.

I lifted up his masked and I put the rag over his face and put pressure on it while I watch him go unconscious.

Now you might be wondering what the fuck just happened and how I know how to do all of this.

I would give you like a whole backstory to what happened before this moment but I honestly don't have time for that.

So imma just give you the short story version. lately I've been spending time with my brother and well I decided that I'll take some classes on self defense because who knows when imma need it. So I go over to the house sometime and I guess train to fight.

Okay I know you might be mad because I said that I wasn't going to join my dad gang. Technically I'm not joining it I'm just training for self defense. And today just pretty much shows I needed it.

Wanna know how me and Billie are doing? We are doing great honestly. It's been a month ever since I asked her out and if I'm being honest, I've never been more happy to be with her.

Oh and you're also probably wondering who the hell is the guy that currently unconscious on my living room floor.

I wish I can give you an answer but if I'm being honest with you I have no idea who- oh hold on I'm getting a call from my brother.

"Hello?" I said

"Y/n are you coming over today?" He said

"No I don't think I can BUT I need you to come over and pick up someone." I said

"Are they alive?" He ask

"What the hell angel of course he's alive, just unconscious because someone decided to leave the chloroform in my house." I said.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes" he said then hanged up the phone.

Anyways where was I? Oh yes right like I said I don't know who that is, hopefully angel will probably know who it is so that way it can be his problem and not mines.

Oh and remember those pictures the paparazzi got from me and Billie at the coffee shop? Yeah when I tell you everyone and I mean everyone went crazy over it.

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