Chapter 13

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Enjoy the chapter fuckers



We are finally on our last week of being here in Colorado, and let's just say shit has happened.

Katie has not being acting her self these past few days. She been distant from me. She won't even talk to me at all, she always on the damn phone.

One time I caught her texting someone and I asked who was she texting and she just tells me to fuck off and leave her alone. I just want to go home.

"Y/N... y/n.... y/n!"

"Huh yes?" I was pulled out of my thoughts.

"Are you ready to shoot the next scene" Matt ask me.

"Umm yeah... wait which scene" I said.

"Oh my god you weren't paying attention were you?"

"Umm no" I said looking down

"You're doing the fight scene" Matt tells me

"Oh ok" I run on set. And that's outside, we are going to be fighting outside. And it's snowing at night, which I love seeing.

"Ok y/n you ready?" Dave ask

"Yeah" I gave him a thumbs up

"Ok quiet on set! And action!"

The scene

"What's up fuckers!" Alexa (y/n) said while walking into the ally, with 3 other people.

"Shut up where is my shit I asked for Alexa?" Sarah (Katie) said messing with her hair and looking at 3 of her partners.

"Damn bro no need to be rude. First of all do you have my shit that I asked for?" Alexa said putting her hands on her hips, looking at Noah (her partner/ best friend) with a smirk.

"Yes I do" Sarah said while rubbing her temples.

"Give me my shit first then I'll give you what you want." Alexa said while stretching her arm out to get the object.

"Fine. Ryan give me the bag." Sarah told Ryan.

"RyAn GiVe Me ThE bAg" Alexa mocked while Noah trying to hide his laugh. Alexa and Noah made eye contact and started laughing.

Sarah looks at them annoyed.

"Can you two shut the fuck up." Sarah said while she grab the bag out of Ryan's hands.

"Buzz kill much?" Noah said with an annoyed face.

"Shut up here." Sarah said while handing the bag to Alexa.

"Is it what I think it is?" Noah said while coming over to see what's in the bag.

"Yes, Noah it is." Alexa told him with a smile.

"Hey! Love birds quit it!" Sarah said getting annoyed.

"First of all we are not love birds" Noah said.

"I don't care give me my shit" Sarah said.

Alexa gives Noah a look and Noah nods.

Sarah's partners pulls out their gun, and points at Alexa and Alexa's partners. Causing for Alexa's partners to pull out their guns.

"Woah! What the hell! Control your team Sarah" Alexa said while pulling out her gun as well.

"Give me my shit Alexa" Sarah said with her gun out.

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