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*•*•*•Bye, bye, Case•*•*•*

May and I started talking while doing the practice as instructed, and she's really fucking cool. I invited her to have lunch with me, I don't think she knows I'm also eating with Lizzie though. Oh well, we'll see how that goes. She told me that everybody already knew who I was when I entered math class because apparently some boy from Frederickson hall took a picture of me entering a room with all my suit cases and all that shit. Right, now we're on our way to the locker room to change for lunch. We're just talking about random shit.

"Oh God, I'm starving." I say groaning while letting my head fall back.

"Same." She pats her stomach.

"By the way, we're also eating with another girl if you don't mind."

"Sure, the person I was having lunch with blew me off anyways. Who is she?"

"Her name is Elizabeth; do you know her?"

"Oh yeah, I know her, I think she's in my Drama class." She says.

"So, let me get ready and we'll head there. Then you can show me where it is. Liz gave me a tour, but I don't remember too well."

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside." I nod and she leaves.

I finish changing into my amazing keds and tube socks, looking fabulous as always, and head out. Once I'm out I see May standing by the door. I gave her a nod indicating her to lead the way to the dining hall. We get to the dining hall and start to talk while we wait in line. We get our food and go sit down. I see Liz enter the dining hall, and I wave her over so she can join us.

"Hello, love, sorry I was late. A teacher asked for my assistance." She looks at May and then at me. "Hello, my name is Elizabeth." She says and extends her hand so May can shake it.

"Uhm- yeah I know who you are, you're in my Drama class. I'm May Pierce."

"Oh, that's right, what a wanker I am."

We start to talk about random stuff and I thank God they got along. We finish eating and we start to make our way out of the dining hall. Just as we are leaving, I crash into someone.

"Oops, I'm sorry." I look up to see who I crashed into, and see Max. He looks down and smiles at me.

"Yeah, it's okay." I smile at him and from the corner of my eye I see the girls holding onto each other while smiling. I roll my eyes and look at Max giving me a curious look.

"I'll see you around Max."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll see you around." I smiled at him and started walking out of the dining hall.

When we walk out of the dining hall, the girls stop and stand in front of me.

"What's wrong?"

"How in heavens name do you know, Maximus Godfrey?" Lizzie said. I rolled my eyes because I knew this was going to happen.

"I met him on Friday at the soccer field, I was blowing off some steam and he found me playing." I shrug and they look at me like I just said something illegal.

"Nuh uh- don't shrug your shoulders like it's nothing. That's freaking Maximus Godfrey you talked to." May said shaking her head.

"He's just a guy. What's the problem if I talk to him?"

"That is Maximus Godfrey, the ex-boyfriend of Vanessa Evergreen, the Queen Bee of the school." What the fuck does this school have with giving labels to people? Chase is the richest person in the school, the mother fucker from math class throws some hella good parties, and now I have to deal with this. "And he's also the captain of the soccer team. So, he's pretty popular."

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