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*•*•*•GO TEDDY!!•*•*•*

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"You know what I'm most excited about?"

"What?" Chase asks stroking my back.

"Going to college with Lizzie, Lucas, and Cole." I say and he kisses my head.

Four months ago we found out which colleges we would be going to. Lizzie, Cole, Lucas and I would be going to Washington State University and Chase and May would be going to NYU. I always thought that I would want to go to school back at home, but I fell in love with Washington.

It's been a few hectic months, but we got through them. I was adopted, which was just the best thing ever. I love Natasha so much, and I know she's not my birth mother, but DNA doesn't make family. I will always hold some kind of feelings for the mother I never got to know, but I'm forever grateful for the one that got to chose me.

I got my cast off. We had sent all of the information over to my hospital in Seattle and when the time came to remove my cast, we asked for Dr. Sloan. We were happy to see him and he was happy to see us. Said that we were the group of teenagers that he was never shocked by the visits.

Over spring break, Chase and I went to his house, I met his family and all of the girls were happy to meet me and they welcomed me and everything, the only one that didn't was Mr. Hudson. I don't think he liked me very much.

Also over spring break, Lucas took Lizzie away on a little trip and got down on one knee. She ran away from him and when we all got home he cornered her in the room, got down on one knee and gave her a promise ring. It was a really cute moment.

My poor Cole, liked the girl from his AP Bio class, until he found out that she has a boyfriend. It didn't bother him much. I consoled him and told him that way better girls were waiting for him out there, that it would take nothing before one of the snatched him up.

On the other side of crazy town my brain registered Vanessa as a human with emotions and in need of friends. We quickly because friendly acquaintances. It would still take some time before we actually because friends.

There were some triggers that followed my ass from the crash. Some of I found despicable. I'm now scared of operating vehicles with four to eighteen wheels. I'm now scared to fall asleep cause three weeks after the crash I got a nightmare. Sleep deprivation is my new best friend along with,

And now we're here, Chase and me under the same sheets, skin to skin, heart to heart, vulnerable as ever.

"Yeah?" He mumbles against my head and I nod.

"Yeah." I smile snuggling closer. "That way I won't be alone with the depressing thought of not being able to see you every single day."

"That's sweet I guess."  He says sadly making me look up at him. "I'm gonna miss you princess."

"I'm gonna miss you too, but we'll call each other every day and we'll see each other on vacations and breaks, and it'll all be over before you can even say Dr. Doofenshmirtz."

He chuckles and I smile reaching up, dragging the sheets with me. I kiss him and he smiles kissing me back equally desperate. His tongue finds its way into my mouth and he rolls us over getting on top of me. I roll my hips up making him groan and kiss down my neck. Before he can even think about reaching down between my legs, the door flies open.

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