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*•*•*•No chancleta today•*•*•*

Status: Not edited

"Honey I haven't gotten bad news all night. How much did you pay them?" Natasha asks and Sebastian burst out laughing. After talking with Ms. J, the teachers all said that they were going to take a little break so we were just wondering the hall waiting for the short intermission to end. And well now you know what's happening, I really don't know what's happening.

"I didn't pay them. I don't know what's happening."

"Where you that bad back at home?" May asks and I shake my head while Seb nods, of course he's nodding.

"No I was just a little trouble maker. But who doesn't love a trouble maker?"

"Mr. Waters." Cole says and we all nod in agreement.

"Yeah he really hates us. How did he give Natasha good news?"

"I don't either." I drink some of my water and then I get this urge to go to the bathroom. You know when you're casually just doing nothing and then you get this sudden urge to go to the bathroom. No? Oh well only me then. "I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom."

I start walking to the bathroom and someone bumps into me. Wow twice in one day I'm on a roll I didn't bum into them. I wonder what they think about me. Are my shoulders hard when you bump into them? Hmm the world may never know. I make it into the bathroom and obviously do my necessities. I'm washing my hands when I hear this voice and get startled half to death.

"You need to stay away from him." I turn around to see a tall girl, with platinum blonde hair, a fake tan, fake boobs, and really tight clothes, standing by the door with her arms crossed, which only caused her fake boobs to push up more. She looks as fake as a plastic Barbie doll from the dollar tree.

"Excuse me." I say confused

"You heard me you need to stay away from him. Or else" Another threat how lovely, I need to change roommates.

"From who?" Wait for it. Cha-


Would you let me finish?


You are such a bitch to me sometimes

Sometimes more like all the time

Then why don't you stop


That's not a reason

It is for you.

"Don't play dumb. Max obviously." She spat. I wasn't expecting that.

"I'm sorry. Who are you?"

"I'm Vanessa Evergreen. His girlfriend." Wow and I thought he was single. Note the sarcasm.

"Look Vaseline, I-" She interrupts me and I sigh.

"Vanessa." She corrects.

"Sure. Look sweetie if you want me to stay away from him, talk to him not me." I say and go to walk out but she puts a hand on my shoulder and stops me.

"I said it once I'm not going to say it again. Stay away from him."

I walk away but not before muttering a 'Bitch' her way. When I'm coming back from the bathroom I hear Nat and Chase talking. I stop in a corner and listen. Where the fuck did everybody else go?

Rooming with ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now