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*•*•*•30 questions?•*•*•*

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"That's not how you do it!! Are you stupid?" I yell at Chase when he lets an eggshell fall into the cup. He is so lucky we used a cup before we threw it in the bowl. After I found the cake mix we got the ingredients and started to work, and it's going horribly. What person his age doesn't know how to crack an egg? It's cooking 101. I have known how to crack and egg since I was like 7. My dad had taught me, we were making this exact cake.

"I'm not stupid, but you're making me feel stupid."

"Well, learn to crack an egg the right way and then you will not be stupid."

"I'm sorry if I can't crack eggs the way you like." He says and starts trying to take the eggshell out of the cup. He finally gets the eggshell out of the cup and throws the egg in the bowl. "So what now."

"Milk." I say ignoring the box. I have made these many times, for bake sales, car washes and school events and those are like once a week so I made these a lot. Oh and cheerleading events.

"But it says water."

"Well do you want heavenly cupcakes or good cupcakes?"


"Then you will choose the milk." He starts walking to go get the milk. "Pour one cup." He does as told and then we add the oil and start stirring. "Where are the cupcake liners?"

"I think they're in the pantry next to the sugar." I go to the pantry and they were right there next to the sugar. I grabbed them and the cupcake pan, and went back to the island that was in the middle of the kitchen. We start pouring the mix into the cupcake liners and I put them in the oven.

"What should we do to kill time?" I say and sit on the island.

"Let's play 30 questions." He says and puts everything in the sink.

"30 questions?" I say with a questioning look.


'Isn't it 20 questions?"

"Well we could play 20 questions, but that would make us ordinary." He comes and stands next to me facing me.

"What's wrong with ordinary?"

"The problem is that you're not ordinary."

"Is that a good thing?" I cock my head to the side.

"It is." He smiles and I smile back

"Okay then let's play 30 questions, but let's add a twist since we're not ordinary we can NOT ask ordinary questions."

"What are food's you can't stand to be around?" He asks, that's not much of an ordinary question.

"Uhm cereal, Ice-Cream and cauliflower."

"Wait I brought you cereal the other day and you ate it, everybody likes Ice-Cream, and cauliflower is practically broccoli."

"Cereal, I hate it, but I ate it so you didn't feel bad, I recently started to hate Ice-Cream, and cauliflower is ghost broccoli not broccoli." I continue. "Now shh it's my turn, what is the weirdest thing you do when nobody is around?" He was quite for a while contemplating weather to tell me or not. When he finally speaks I can't believe the words that came out of his mouth.

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