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*•*•*•Can we go to 7 eleven?•*•*•*

"Listen up." I scream at the top of the stairs

This afternoon I decided to skip the last 2 classes. Is it smart when there's a parent teacher meeting coming up in about eight days? No, it is not. Do I care? No, I do not.

Now, getting to the point. I decided to skip the last 2 classes so when I got to Fredrickson Hall, I saw two men working on the elevator. I'm guessing all of you can guess what's happening now. The elevator is fixed, and I want it to stay that way because I'm lazy as fuck. Apparently, all the boys from Fredrickson have an all-boys group chat and they decided to add me, so I texted them to meet me here. And here we are.

"Why are we here?" one of the boys asks.

"That's why." I point to the elevator that just happens to open and out comes Lucas with headphones listening to music and dancing. He looks up at us and speaks

"You guys were having a super-secret spy meeting without me?" He says in a pained tone.

"No, you just don't check your phone." I look back at everyone. "Okay, so as I was saying, the elevator is fixed, and I want it to stay fixed. I'm lazy and I don't like the stairs."

"Don't you play soccer?" A sophomore whose name I think is Todd, says.

"Not the point Todd."

"My name is Timothy."

"Again, not the point Todd." I smile at him. "Don't break the elevator because I'm lazy and I don't like the stairs. That pretty much sums up what I wanted to say. Disperse."

We all go our separate ways and I go to the elevator, that has a sign that says *maximum capacity 6*. I get on and go to my floor. Let's hope it lasts.


"Are you fucking kidding me?" I look at the now again, out of service elevator. "How did this happen? It's only been like 45 minutes"

"A lot can happen in 45 minutes." Cole says

"I guess you ain't riding it anytime soon princess." Chase says with a smirk on his face. Oh, he definitely had something to do with this.

"Why? Who would do this? Who would murder such a good elevator?" I touch the elevator "It's still cold" I look at Lucas and we burst out laughing. "No, but seriously do you guys know who did this?" They point towards Chase.

"Wow, good to know who my real friends are." He says with a hand on his chest as if what they did pained him, I glare at him. Idiot.

"You're welcome babe." Lucas blows him a kiss.

"Why would you do that?" Why would he ruin the newly fixed elevator? My heart aches.

"Because." He shrugs his shoulders.

"That's not a reason."

"It is for you." Damn it. I hate it when people use my own words against me. "Don't mess with me." Don't mess with me? What?

"Is this because of the soccer practice yesterday?" He can't be serious? IT'S SOCCER PRACTICE!

"Like I said, don't mess with me." Oh, that is it!

"Eres- AHH! ¿Solo por eso? ¿Me estas jodiendo? Eres un pedazo de mierda. ¿Sabes qué? Me voy. Si no fuera por la gente que tengo a mi alrededor, ya estuvieras enterrado. Me voy!" I heard him mumble a 'What did she say?' to Cole before I left. I go upstairs to get my keys, jacket and phone then leave.

Rooming with ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now