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*•*•*•It's not news to you asshole•*•*•*

Status: Not Edited

"That was such a good flight." I say yawning and everybody nods. We were walking outside with our luggage when I see George. He was holding up a sign that said Maddison and Friends. I dropped my suitcase and carry-on and ran towards George. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to pick you up."

"You didn't have to do that, we could've gotten home in an Uber."

"Nonsense." He said as he side hugged me and I nodded. "Want me to go pick up your suitcase?"

"Nonsense. You're already picking us up, that is enough for me." I say and walk back to everybody with George. "Everybody this is George, my second father figure. He has been with my family since before I could walk."

"I'm the family chauffer." He says and everybody nods. I pick up my suitcase and carry-on and walk towards the car placing them in the trunk. Everybody did the same and we get into the car. I sat up front with George and everybody else sat in the back.

"George how have you been?"

"I've been great. Driving everybody around. Well except for my kids and Sebastian. They said that they're adults now and that they can drive themselves to places." He says chuckling and I smile. "We all missed you Maddie. Since most of us didn't see you for Thanks giving."

"All of you?" I asked knowing the truth.

"Yes all of us."

"Well except Javi of course." I said and he shook his head.

"Even Javi Maddie." He says nodding while he smiles.

"I mean I would understand if he didn't. You know."

"Yeah. He just misses his best friend." George says and I nod.

"Yeah I missed my best friend too." I say and George smiles.

"Well good because everybody is waiting at the house for you."

"You're fucking lying."

"I'm not." He says laughing. I turn towards everybody and smile.

"You guys are going to love everybody. Well Cole, May and Lizzie have met almost everybody, but you two." I point towards Chase and Lucas. "You guys will love everybody." Chase smiles at me and I smile back.

"I'm loving your enthusiasm princess." He says and I laugh.

"You haven't met anybody yet. Well only Seb and mom, but nobody else." I state and continue. "Olivia, Natasha, George and well my father shaped me into the kind, educated girl that I am today."

In a matter of seconds we all burst out laughing. We couldn't stop laughing.

"No but seriously, they did. They were like my four parents. And then of course we could never forget the siblings. You'll all meet them soon."

"Really soon." George said and I looked forward seeing that we were approaching the house. We stop outside and park in the driveway. When I get out of the car the front door opened and Javi walked out.

"Careful everybody there is a crazy person o the premises." He said and I started running towards him and he holds his arms open for me. I hug him and he hugs me back.

"I'm so sorry." I say and he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry for being such a jackass." He says and I laugh. He pulls away to look at my face and smiles. "Too long Madds." We pull away completely and I speak.

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