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*•*•*•You've never smoked weed?•*•*•*

Status: Not Edited

Now one day at the McKenna house, that may seem normal to anyone on the outside of the chaos. And being honest it's normal to us too since we're so used to it. Right now is one of those times when we're used to it, the same can't be said for those who don't live with us. Exhibit A... Chase, Cole, Lucas, May and Lizzie.

Now they have their fair share of chaos too. It's like a package deal with anyone who becomes friends with us. We just know how to find the crazy and give the crazy a home. For this Christmas we give home to five crazies and have fun while doing it.

"Where is my shoe!" Seb exclaims from his room and I look under my bed for his shoe.

"I'm looking for it calm your tits." I say from the floor.

Going out is always a hassle for us we say that we're going to leave at a certain hour and we leave an hour and a half later. Maybe it's like that for all families, but I like to think it's a thing only mine goes through.

"I found it!" Mom yells from the living room. We go downstairs and see her bent over looking under the couch. "But my arthritis has forbidden me from reaching it."

"He can get it mom, c'mere." I say and help her up, she pats away any imaginary dust she has on her pants and smiles at me.

"Oh honey you look so beautiful."

"Thank you momma." I smile looking down at my leather short, combined with my white sleeveless crop top, and a leather jacket. I put on some black green and white sneakers and was happy with the way I put this outfit together.

"I have to agree princess. You look fucking amazing." He says and comes up behind me to hug me, and kisses my head.

"Stop it you are going to make me blush." 

"I think it's endearing."

"I think it's embarrassing." 

"You look cute when you blush."

"You look cute all the time." I rebuttal and he chuckles making me smile even more.

"Got it." Seb says getting the shoe from under the couch. "Tell your crusty dog to stay out of my room."

"Cinnamon is not crusty. He's a sweetheart. If you gave him a chance he would love you back." I say and Cinnamon come running towards me to lick my face. "Hey cutie."

"He's a demon." Seb says and I shake my head. "He tried to kill me."

"Him growling at you is not considered attempted murder."

"He tried to bite me."

"You insulted him."

"By watching modern family?"

"He likes the animal planet." I try to justify Cinnamon's actions and Chase chuckles. Cinnamon left my side to lay on Cole's lap. Cole really hot acquainted with Cinnamon and now they're inseparable. "See he's a sweetheart like his momma."

"His momma is crazy."

"Nothing we can do about that." I say and clap. "Are we ready to go?"

"Yes we are." May says standing next to Sebastian and Seb places his arm around her waist making me smile. They really like each other.

We were on our way to have dinner. We were supposed to do it yesterday, but we didn't due to the fact that I slept through the whole afternoon and woke up at like 7 pm. We didn't eat dinner instead we ordered in and watch Yours, Mine & Ours. It was a good night.

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