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*•*•*•I was attacked by the Grinch. Well, not exactly, but close to it•*•*•*

The day's been extremely slow, and we still have one class left, art. I hate that class, I'm horrible at it. Not to brag, but I'm amazing at almost everything... okay, I'm bragging, but I'm telling the truth. Well, almost everything. Art on the other hand, I'm not good at. Anyways, back to topic, we're now on our way to art class, and like this day, I'm slowly I'm starting to hate the last part of Fridays. We were all talking amongst each other until the teacher walked in. She told us that we had to paint something that we love, and I had no fucking clue on what to paint, firstly because I never paint, and secondly, because I love many things. What should I paint? Chinese food? My fucking tube socks? The record player I have at home? Honestly, I could go on and on.

I don't even move a muscle to start painting. Meanwhile the rest of the class has already started with their painting. To my right, Cole is painting a house of rocks in the woods or something. To my left, Chase is painting a freaking beach. I look in front of me to see that May isn't moving either and I sigh in relief until she moves out of the way, and I see that her canvas has a drawing of a cute golden retriever. I sink into my chair sighing heavily and Cole looks my way and turns his head sideways.

"You love a blank canvas?" he says, and I laugh sarcastically.

"Ha ha, very funny. I don't know what to paint; I love many things."

"She doesn't know what you love just paint anything" he shrugs, and I shake my head.

"No, I want to do this right. I'll figure it out." I straighten myself and finally figure out what I'm going to paint. I ended up painting a girl in a colorful rain. I remembered how much I loved to be out in the rain when I was back in Miami.

It's not like I live in the desert, but it rains very little, so when it rains, I like to go out and get wet, splash some puddles, catch the rain drops on my tongue. It's the best. Back to topic, I'm almost finished with my painting the only thing left is another shade of green and I'm done.

"Hmm, looks good." Cole says nodding

"Yeah, I just need a little bit of green and I'm finished." I stand up just as the teacher excused herself saying she will be right back. I go towards the cans of paint and guess what annoying ass roommate is standing right there. You guessed it, Chase, and guess what color he has on his hands... Green.

"Hey... I need the color green."

"Mm too bad." He says and starts to walk away but I stop him.

"You know you're almost done with your painting, and I still need the color green."

"Then grab some blue and yellow and mix them. That makes green, then use some white to make it lighter. Anything else you need help with?" I look at the table and see that there is no more yellow.

"You can help me by giving me the color green. There's no more yellow."

"Again, too bad." He tries to walk off again, but I grab the paint and he pulls at it. At this point the entire class was staring at us.

"Give me the green, please." I say tugging it back. It goes on like this until he lets go of the paint and it falls on top of me leaving me covered with green paint. The whole class gasped, and Chase looks like he's trying to contain his laughter. I grab a can of paint that's behind him and I dump it over his head.

"What the hell did you just do?" he yells at me, clearly annoyed at what I just did, but I truly don't care. He started it.

"You know, pink isn't your color." I give him a mischievous smile. Success.

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