Chapter 10

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We arrive back at Liam's house and I head up to my room to start on another baby blanket and Sam agrees to make us some lunch. I hear him start up the stairs, only to be stopped by a voice.

"Hey Sam. How was Callum's?" Liam asks.

"Great! Luna had both the baby and Kara tucked into bed before we left."

"Really?" Liam says a bit disbelieving. Sam only chuckles in response.

"Yeah she even figured out the cheek rubbing thing."

"All on her own?" Liam asks, stunned again.

"Yep." Sam responds popping the 'p' on the end

"Oh good, so that explains why you smell like her and I won't need to kick your ass for touching my mate." Sam chuckles again and I hear him start walking towards my room.

"Nope, Alpha no need."

"Well, it sounds like she is coming to terms with things, settling in well and taking to her responsibilities."

"It was only one visit, Alpha. She still needs time."

"I know, but it sounds like it went well. I'm pleased with the progress. Thank you for doing as I asked."

I felt a flare of anger in my belly. Did Sam plan that? Did Callum and Kara only have me over because he asked?

"I honestly didn't do anything, Alpha." Sam responds. "Callum called and asked if she would come. They've been having a rough few days with Grace and Luna really helped them out."

"Good. I'm happy to hear it." Liam says and Sam continues to my room.

"What was he talking about?" I asked Sam as soon as he closed the door behind him.

"What do you mean?" He responds and I roll my eyes at him to which he flashes me a cocky grin.

"What did he ask you to do?" I clarify. Sam shrugs and doesn't make eye contact with me.

"He just asked me to find some things for you to do around the pack. He thought it would make you feel better to help people."

Well, I can't argue with his logic. He's not wrong. I definitely feel better after doing something actually useful for the first time in over a week. But I feel like a Luna's job should be more obvious. Not carved out like I need to go looking for things to do. I sigh deeply at the thought and lower my gaze. I twirl my fingers along the flowers on my comforter and look up at Sam.

"Will this ever get easier? Being here? Being so close to him and yet feeling miles apart?"

Sam gives me a sad smile and holds my hand.

"I don't know, Lily. I don't have a mate so I don't know how it feels. But I do know that you are needed and wanted by this pack and, even though we can't take Liam's place, we sure will do whatever we can to make you happy." I blink back tears and bite my lip to stop the emotion from coming forward.

"If I could go back and forget to pick up that screwdriver set and avoid running into Liam, I honestly think I would. Does that make me a terrible person." Sam shakes his head and pins me with a fierce look.

"No. And honestly, I can't blame you for thinking that. You had a beautiful life. You built something special with someone who loved you. You worked hard and made a difference in the world. I would think you were kind of crazy for picking this life over the one you had before to tell you the truth. And even though I know it isn't your first choice, I still want you to be happy here. I want you to feel important, loved and fulfilled. Even if it isn't Liam making you feel those things. The people of this pack will if you give them a chance."

I take a deep shuddering breath and angrily wipe away traitor tears that fall down my face as I take in what Sam is saying. I can't go back to my old life. My job is gone after having missed so much time and Derek won't even remember me. I can either allow myself to be miserable here, or I can forge ahead and do what my instincts are telling me. I want to make a difference here in this pack and I really believe I can. I resolve from this point forward to put my best foot forward and make an effort with these people. Even if it's giving Liam exactly what he wants, I think it is what's best for me in the long run. I reach over to squeeze Sam's hand and give him a weak smile.

"Why couldn't you be my mate? At least you like me." I half laugh and half cry.

"Eh, you couldn't handle me sweetheart. My dick's too big. It would have torn you right in two."

I tilt my head back and belly laugh at that and feel like I can't stop. It's the first real laugh I've had since I was brought to this place and it feels so good.

"And Alpha does like you. He's just having a hard time admitting it." I scoff and roll my eyes at that. He's not fooling anyone.

"Now, come on and eat your lunch. I slaved away in the kitchen over this and I deserve some appreciation for my work." He holds up a tray with sandwiches, chips and a few cans of soda.

"You slaved over that, huh? Now I really feel bad for your future mate." He looks at me with a horrified glare and scoffs.

"Now why would you say that?"

"You have no cooking skills what so ever. The poor girl is going to starve being stuck with you." Sam winks at me and smiles.

"My big dick will make up for my shortcomings in the kitchen." I laugh again and nearly choke on a chip that gets stuck in my throat.

"How about I give you some cooking lessons? I'm actually fairly proficient in the kitchen and can even bake." Sam smiles and nods.

"Maybe you could do cooking classes for a bunch of the young males in the pack? All most of them focus on is training and learning how to kill. Making them prance around in an apron with flour on their noses would do them a little good." I nod excited by the thought.

"That's a good idea! Keep them coming, Beta. Things are about to change for the better around here." He smiles at me

"Good. You are exactly what we needed." I smile back and finish my sandwich.

"But first!" Sam exclaims. "You will teach me how to make these blankets. I'm not familiar with this form of witchcraft!" I giggle and pull out the supplies.

I spend the rest of the afternoon attempting to teach Sam how to crochet and laughing as he fails spectacularly. It's my first good day since I was kidnapped and I'm finally starting to feel a little bit of hope.

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