Chapter 18

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Well, Liam was right. Amy found somewhere to cook all of the turkeys. Well, except one. I would only allow the boys to deep fry one turkey because I didn’t want any more meat ruined after they completely failed.

Thanksgiving morning, I went to the packhouse to decorate, bringing along some annoyed teenagers with me. I always like to involve them where I can, I think building a strong pack bond with them is especially important. We decorate the large dining hall with the drawings I had the school kids do where they trace their hand and draw a turkey out of it. They also helped me make garland out of construction paper rings in browns, greens, oranges and reds. Watching the turkeys cook is nearly a full-time job and Amy and I keep busy. When dinner is about an hour away, I head back to the house to change my clothes. As I step out onto the packhouse porch, I hear excited cheers from the side of the building and go to investigate. About twelve men are all standing around the deep fryer, eyeing it with excitement as Liam prepares to lower the turkey into the vat of boiling oil. He’s wearing a grey sweater, dark wash jeans and brown shoes that make him look amazing. It’s not fair how gorgeous he looks with such minimal effort.

“How’s it going?” I ask no one in particular.

“This is gonna be AMAZING!” Sam responds. “Alpha is just about to put the turkey, in wanna come watch?” He looks like a kid in a candy store and I can’t deny his excitement.

“Sure.” I smile at him and step up next to him and another man, Alex.

“Hey, Luna. Thanks for doing this. It was a great idea.” Alex says.

“Technically it was my idea.” Liam says.

“Yeah. Sure.” Alex says obviously not believing him and I can’t help but laugh.

Liam starts an obnoxious count down at ten, and when he reaches one, he lowers the turkey and all of the men cheer and raise their beers into the air.

“That’s it?” I ask confused.

“This is so cool!” Sam says. I roll my eyes and turn to head back to the house.

“How long will it take to cook?” I ask.

“Should only be about an hour.” Liam answers. I nod and leave.

It’s been a long day already, so I take the time to have a quick shower before putting on an eggplant purple wrap dress, cream cardigan and black flats. I straighten my blonde hair and allow it to flow down my back. I put on a simple white gold necklace and head back to the packhouse.

All of the men are still sitting on the lawn, watching the turkey fry with hunger in their eyes.

“That one turkey isn’t going to feed all of you.” I tell them. They all shrug and look at each other.

“Then we’ll fight for it.” Another man I’ve never met grins. I give Liam a concerned glance and he chuckles.

“He’s just kidding, Lily. There will be no fighting today.”

I nod and turn to go back into the packhouse to greet the people that have already arrived when I hear Liam in my mind ‘You look beautiful, Lily.’

I turn to look back at him, he’s looking at me with warm eyes and I give him a small smile. I’m tempted to shoot back a nasty retort, but decide that today of all days, we need to be civil, so I simply say, ‘Thank you.’

As I walk into the packhouse I’m met with the low humming of people milling around chatting with one another and the smells of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and every other side a person could imagine. The large fireplace is crackling, and the scene warms me to my bones. For the first time in the nearly six months that I’ve been here, it feels like home. I’m quickly bombarded by children requesting hugs and cheek rubs as well as women asking where I got my dress and thanking me for hosting this dinner. It seems nearly every pack member has come out to celebrate. The men trickle in a little slower, most of them stopping to check out the deep fryer and talk to Liam. I learned long ago they wouldn’t hug me or rub my cheek, so as not to upset Liam. Smelling other men on me can turn him into a rage, even though he has no interest in touching me himself. As I pull myself from my melancholy thoughts, Liam walks in followed by the other men carrying a large turkey on a platter.

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