Chapter 41

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No. No, this can't be happening. It's not real. I turn around and Sam collapses onto the ground, rocking back and forth as his body is racked with sobs. Tears fall down my face, but I refuse to believe this.

"She's not dead. I can still feel our bond." The doctor nods, but gives me a sympathetic look.

"She's still alive, but the amount of blood loss she had damaged her internal organs. Her heart, lungs, kidneys... they were all deprived of oxygen for too long. They're all failing."

"But my blood...." I say.

"Is the only reason she's still hanging on by a thread. The only thing that might save her now is...." she trails off and my blood boils.

"Is what?!" I say, my voice dripping with agitation.

"If you turn her." The thought forces my knees to give out and I fall on the floor next to Sam.

"Turning her would give her wolf healing. It's the only way." I look up at her and she seems truthful.

"She couldn't improve on her own?" I ask. Dr. Sommers shakes her head.

"Highly doubtful. And if we wait too long, it'll be past the point where even turning her will help."

Sam sniffles and rubs his nose on his shirt, something I know Lily would scold him for. The thought breaks my heart.

"You have to do it, Alpha. You have to." Sam says.

"Why? To get her back until the full moon just to have her die during her shift? Doctor, what chances does she have of surviving her shift?" Dr. Sommers shrugs.

"Impossible to know. But I do know that you have underestimated Lily since the moment you found her and she has surprised you every time." She gives me a pointed look that makes me feel about three inches tall.

"You need to do it, Alpha. Or I will." Sam says and I snarl at him. I know he's trying to do what's best, but his canines aren't going anywhere near my Lily. The doctor shakes her head at Sam.

"No. It needs to be him. He's her mate and an Alpha. That gives her the best chance at a successful shift and, quite honestly, I don't think any other wolf would be strong enough to save her." I look at the floor, then back up at the doctor.

"How long do I have to decide?" I ask. She gives me a pointed look and crosses her arms.

"Not long. Every moment you wait her organs die a little more." I nod and stand.

"We need to see her." Sam stands next to me and we look at the doctor expectantly.

"Follow me." She says. She leads us to the other side of the hospital down a dark, nearly deserted hallway. There are two fighters standing outside of her room and they both nod at me. I nod back and push the door open.

Sam and I walk in and stand on either side of her bed. Lily is laying peacefully, her hair looks to have been combed and washed, all of the blood cleaned from her body.

"The nurses washed her, Alpha. No men." The doctor says. I nod in her direction, but don't take my eyes off of Lily.

It looks like her, but her face is pale, her cheeks sunken and dark rings under her eyes. She looks hollow. This is not my girl. Not the bright light that I have come to adore. Sam reaches out to take her hand and his body is shaking with his sobs.

I am struck by how deeply he cares for her. How strong their relationship is. I used to be jealous of how close knit they were, when Lily still referred to me as 'asshole' more often than my name. Their friendship is certainly unique, something a Luna is more likely to have with her Gamma. While Lily cares for Callum, her connection to Sam is undeniable.

"Please, Alpha." Sam begs through his choked sobs. "Give her a chance."

"Will she hate me if I turn her into one of us?" I ask honestly. Lily and I never really talked about it. I don't want for her to never trust me again or to hate me or leave me. Maybe she thinks we're monsters and would rather be dead than one of us. Sam shakes his head vehemently.

"No. She wanted you to turn her, but knew you never would. That you were to worried and not willing to take the risk, so she didn't push it. She knows how stubborn you are. She knows you would never put her in danger if you can avoid it." I sigh deeply and watch Lily for any sign of life, an eyelash flutter or a twitching finger.

I see nothing.

I reach for the hand that Sam isn't holding. The sparks are there, but they're so faint. I just want to feel it again. Our bond has been so strong for the last few months. It's been something tangible in me, something I could feel and hold on to when I needed it. Now there's just a hole where it's supposed to be. I look down at Lily and then to Sam one more time.

"Doctor?" I call. Dr. Sommers enters the room and waits for me to speak.

"I want to do it. I want to turn her." Sam lets  out an audible breath of relief and even Dr. Sommers visibly relaxes.

"For what it's worth," she says "I think you're making the right choice, Alpha." I sigh and look back down at Lily.

"It actually means a lot. Thank you. Now, how do I do this?" I ask. I've never turned anyone and never thought I would, so I'm not familiar with the process.

"You need to choose a place to bite her, much like when you marked her. The only marks that will be left on her body are your mark and your turning bite. Every other scar and mark will disappear, so don't do it somewhere that you don't think she'll like a large bite mark. Your wolf should give you instructions, but you bite down hard and hold it for as long as you can. The more venom she gets, the quicker she'll heal and the quicker her wolf will emerge." I nod and look over at Sam.

"I'm going to go and give you some privacy. Link me when I can come back." He rounds the bed towards me and pulls me into a spine crushing hug. "And thank you, Alpha. Thank you so much." I hug him back and nod at him as he leaves the room.

"Do you want me to stay?" The doctor asks and I shake my head.

"I'd rather do this alone." I say quietly. She exits the room and I stand by Lily's side. I lean down and press a firm kiss to her forehead. Her skin is cold and clammy, not the usual soft and warm that I have grown accustomed too.

"Oh, baby. Please come back to me." I whisper in her ear.

I consider where she'd want me to bite her. Her mark is for others to see but this mark, I want it to be just for us. A private reminder of my love and devotion to her. That it is my venom that turns her.

I lift her blanket and pull the side of her gown up slightly, exposing her hip. I think about all of the times I've grabbed onto these hips while dancing with her, showering with her, making love to her. I place a sweet kiss to the spot I'm about to bite and take a deep breath.

'Do you know what to do, Talon?' I ask my wolf.

'Yes.' He responds. 'Let me out. Let me save our mate.'

I allow him to come forward in my consciousness. My claws extend slightly and my canines push through.

I have never allowed him this close to Lily, afraid he would harm her. How ironic that he is now her only hope of surviving. He takes a moment to study her features. He lifts my hand and traces my knuckles gently down her cheek.

"She's so beautiful, Liam. I love her so much.'

'I know, Talon. Me too.'

He refocuses on the area I've chosen. He leans down and smells her skin before reaching out to lick her gently.

'I don't want to hurt her.' He says quietly.

'You won't, Talon. But you need to hurry.' He sighs and leans down. I feel my jaw expand and my canines sink into her soft skin as he clamps down on her hip.

He holds down for as long as my jaw muscles will allow before he releases and licks at the wound he created.

And then all we can do is wait.

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