Chapter 38

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‘Liam! Kane Harder is in our kitchen’ I mind link him in a panic.

‘WHAT?’ He responds and I feel him pressing into my mind to see what I can see.

I feel his rage and what really scares me, his fear.

I have never felt fear from Liam.

‘I need you to stay calm, baby. Every fighter in the pack is on there way to you. I will be there as soon as I can just stay calm. Ok?’

‘Ok. Liam, just… hurry.’ I plead.

‘I’ve never run faster, love.’ He answers.

“I told you that little mouth of yours would get you into trouble.” Kane sneers.

I back up until I’m against the top drawer of our cabinets. Liam hid silver daggers in random places throughout the house, mostly in case his wolf got out of control and I needed to defend myself from him.

We hadn’t dreamed of something like this.

“What are you talking about?” My voice comes out weakly. I try to take a deep breath to steady my erratically beating heart.

“DON’T PRETEND WITH ME HUMAN!” He screams, causing me to flinch. “I had a little visit from the fucking council. Some reports on abuse.” He spits. “Not that anything came of it. My little bitch did exactly as she was told. And was punished severely for causing issues in the first place. She has you to thank for that. You think I’ll allow some disgusting human try to tell me how to run my pack? How to treat MY bitch? Well, you’ve got another fucking thing coming.”

He stalks towards me, stopping on the other side of the island and placing his hands, palm down on the countertop. He stares at my eyes, not blinking as his lip curls in a sneer.

“I’m going to take down your precious pack. Kill you, your pathetic alpha and beta and then, in your honor, I’m going to fuck every she wolf in this pack. I’ll take the gamma’s mate twice actually. I heard she’s one of your favorites.” This has me seeing red and anger coursing through me.

“Fuck you, you worthless piece of shit. You. Die. Today. Whether you kill me or not. Liam will see to that.” He scoffs and crosses his arms over his chest.

“Once you’re dead, he won’t be able to move he’ll be in so much pain. I hope he comes for me. He’ll be so weak it will be easy to eliminate him.” I feel my heart beating out of my chest as I open the drawer slowly and my hand tightens around the handle of the blade.

“Come on, princess. Let’s get this over with. We don’t have a lot of time. I’m sure you’ve already mind linked that mate of yours. Such a pathetic Alpha, allowing his mate to be his weakness.” I grit my teeth.

I’m so fucking tired of being called a weakness. To my pack, to my mate. I’m done.

Kane starts to round the island and I take the opportunity to flee. I push my legs as fast as I can towards the front door, and I hear him chuckle from behind me.

“Have it your way, princess. One thing you should know about Alpha’s by now. We enjoy a good chase.”

I push the front door open and slam it behind me.

‘Liam! He’s chasing me! I’m running towards the pack hospital.’ Because I’m probably going to need it, I think to myself.

‘Baby, I’m almost there. Two more minutes I swear. Every fighter in this pack is on their way to you, just hold on for me.’

I push my legs as hard as I can to try and put as much distance between me and that psychopath as possible. My hand tightens around the handle of the blade, and I hold it close to my chest, afraid to drop it. My breathing comes in short pants as I try to fill my lungs with oxygen, but I know I’m no match for a werewolf, let alone a full-grown Alpha male. I hear the thud of footsteps behind me. I don’t bother to turn around, I know it’s him. The footsteps speed up and they get closer, making me panic even further.

I feel a hard grip encircle my bicep and pain radiate down my arm. The hand yanks me back and I don’t hesitate to turn and face him. I thrust the dagger to where I estimate his heart to be. I feel the blade hit a sickening resistance and push even harder.

I don’t realize until that moment that I had squeezed my eyes shut. I open them hesitantly and look at my hand on the blade, that is sunk deep into the chest of Kane.

I hit my mark.

I look up at his face, that is staring at the blade sticking out of his chest wall. He blinks in surprise then looks down at me, mouth wide with astonishment. He takes a staggering step backwards, and I push him as he goes causing him to fall onto his knees in front of me. He lets out a pained grunt as his hands hit the dirt. I make no movements, standing in shock watching this ginormous beast die in front of me.

He expends a considerable amount of energy to push himself up and place his hands on his thighs so he can look at me.

“You know, it’s a shame I won’t get to live to see your pack fall.” I look at him in confusion as he gestures towards my body.

I look down and see crimson blood soaking my white shirt. It’s torn in obvious claw marks and I didn’t feel the pain from the adrenaline that was seeping through me. I lift the shirt gingerly and hiss at the sting of the shirt being pulled out of my wounds. Blood is pouring from my abdomen and I press on it to try and slow the bleeding. My hand is instantly saturated in hot, wet, sticky blood and the coppery smell fills my nostrils. The fact that this is my blood nearly makes me vomit. I look over at Kane, who has now collapsed onto his side, and see his right hand covered in my blood.

“Oh God.” I moan as the pain hits me like a truck. I fall to my knees, still clutching my stomach. I have nothing to stop the bleeding, nothing to apply pressure the only hope I have is…

“Lily!” I hear Liam call. He’s by my side the next moment. I look at his wide terrified eyes as he takes me in. He’s breathing heavily and pouring with sweat. My heart flutters knowing he did all he could. He got to me as quickly as he could.

I’m just not sure it was quick enough.

I hear him shouting but can’t determine what he’s saying. He picks me up to cradle me and the pain of the movement makes me cry out.

“I’m sorry, Lily. I’m so sorry. We’re going to get you to the hospital and you’re going to be just fine, ok?” He asks me. I look up at him again. His eyes are imploring me to agree with him. To tell him that I’ll be ok. That this amount of blood loss isn’t catastrophic.

I don’t know that I can.

I reach up to touch his face, accidentally smearing my blood on his cheek. But he doesn’t seem to mind so I continue. I feel the prickly stubble on his jaw under my fingertips. He didn’t get a chance to shave today and I’m grateful. I’ve always loved his stubble. He’s running. I can feel the movement, but that’s all I can register. He leans down to kiss my forehead and I close my eyes for a brief moment as my eyelids are suddenly incredibly heavy.

“LILY! Hey! Lily, baby I need you to open those beautiful eyes for me.” Liam says. I can feel the panic that laces his tone, and my eyes pop open as a result. I’m not sure why he needs my eyes open. I can’t understand that right now, but I do know that I trust him. And I love him so if he wants my eyes open, I can do that for him. I meet his brilliant green eyes with my own and he smiles a little.

“There’s my precious girl.” He says. “I need you to stay with me, Lily. OK? You can’t leave me. I need you, baby. So much. Please stay with me. You promise?” He pleads. I see tears mist his eyes. A few trail down his cheeks and I reach up to wipe them away.

My mind is hazy, and my arm is suddenly so heavy, I can barely hold it up. Even though I’m confused, and can’t remember what’s happening, I know this is Liam. I know I love him and am safe with him and I don’t like seeing him cry. I try to say something, but it takes so much energy that nothing comes out. I take a moment to breathe, which is becoming more difficult, and summon as much strength as I can before speaking.

“Don’t cry. You’re going to be alright.”

And then my eyelids become too heavy to hold up, and I fade into the waiting blackness.

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