Chapter 39

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'I'm so tired of these god damn rogues.' I say to Sam in our mind link.

'Same.' He responds. We're running to where they were spotted when Sam gets distracted and starts off in another direction.

'Where are you going?' I ask him.

'I smell something weird. I'll meet you there.' He says before cutting our link.

I'm almost to the clearing where the five now dead rogues are when I sense panic from Lily.

'Liam, Kane Harder is in our kitchen.' I stop on a dime.

'WHAT?!' I push into her mind and sure enough, right in the doorway is that crazy pile of dog shit.

'I need you to stay calm, baby. Every fighter in the pack is on there way to you. I will be there as soon as I can just stay calm. Ok?’

She begs me to hurry, as if she needs to. My wolf presses off hard from the ground and stampedes back towards our house while I send out a frantic message to my pack.

'EVERY AVAILABLE WARRIOR GET TO THE ALPHA'S HOUSE NOW. YOUR LUNA IS IN DANGER' I feel a ripple of fear through the pack link instantly and then a surge of anger.

No one threatens our Luna.

'Come on Talon run faster.' I push my wolf. He snarls at me, but pushes harder. I reach out to Lily through our bond. She's scared, but not hurt.

'Liam! He’s chasing me! I’m running towards the pack hospital.’ Her voice is frantic and terrified. I can't wait to kill the fucker that dare threaten my mate.

‘Baby, I’m almost there. Two more minutes I swear. Every fighter in this pack is on their way to you, just hold on for me.’ I respond.

The fear in her voice is about to break me. I'm so close, I can see the bend in the path. The only obstacle keeping me from the only person in this world that matters to me. My wolf feels it, feels how anxious I am. He's never moved so gracefully, so efficiently as in this moment when we need it the most.

I round the corner and see Lily's head of blonde hair. She's on her knees, holding her stomach. I jump and shift in mid air and yell out to her.

"Lily!" I see Kane on the ground unmoving, one of the silver blades from the house sticking out of his chest. My burning pride for Lily is dampened when I see the amount of blood she has lost from a claw wound in her stomach.

"I’m sorry, Lily. I’m so sorry. We’re going to get you to the hospital and you’re going to be just fine, ok?”

'Please tell me you're going to be ok.' I say to myself. I scoop her up and she cries out in pain. The sound nearly tears my soul in two.

She reaches out to touch my face, and I feel the sparks signaling our bond. They are usually so strong, a fierce reminder of our incredible connection. But now they're dull, so dull I wonder if I'm imagining them. I look down at her pale face and can't stop myself from kissing her forehead, willing some life back into her. To my horror, when I look back down her eyes are closed.

"LILY! Hey! Lily, baby I need you to open those beautiful eyes for me.” I beg. Her eyes pop back open and I sigh in relief. Her blue orbs don't hold the fire and twinkle that they usually do, but they are still so beautiful.

"There's my precious girl." I say. I know how much she loves it when I call her that. "I need you to stay with me, Lily. OK? You can’t leave me. I need you, baby. So much. Please stay with me. You promise?”

She looks so tired, like her limbs weigh a thousand pounds. I mind link Dr. Sommers.

'Have a room ready for the Luna and a nurse ready to take my blood.' Then I push a mental image of Lily's wounds to her so she knows how to prepare. We are almost at the hospital when Lily looks up at me again. She wipes tears from my face before she speaks.

"Don't cry. You're going to be alright." And then her eyes close and her body slackens in my arms.

"LILY! Lily, baby no! No, no, no, no, no. Please wake up, please wake up!" I shake her gently and get no response.

I run through the entrance of the hospital where Dr. Sommers is waiting with a gurney and a team.

"We're taking her to surgery. Go with Alma, get your blood drawn." I nod and follow the nurse.

She sits me in a chair and sticks me with a needle, but I don't feel it. I'm numb.

"Take it all." I croak out to the nurse.

Without Lily, I have no use for my blood anyway. She hands me a tissue and I hadn't even realized I was crying. I wipe my eyes and sigh deeply before running my hand down my face. I'm exhausted but energized at the same time. It's the strangest feeling. The hum from our bond, usually a loud roar, has faded and I can barely feel it. I try to tell myself it's just because she's weak. She lost so much blood. But they're going to give her mine and she'll be ok just like when she gave me hers.

And then she'll smell even more like me, just like I do after mixing her blood with mine. After that we will smell like family. Not just mates, but true blood family.

The nurse finishes and takes me to a private room to wait, which is worse torture than having a needle in my arm. I pace, and cry, and punch a wall, then pace some more. After I don't know how much time has passed I sit in one of the uncomfortable chairs to wait. I make a mental note to buy new chairs for this room. No one forced to endure the pain of waiting on the outcome of someone they love should have to do so in an uncomfortable fucking chair.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and whip around, thinking it's the doctor. Sam's worried face is what greets me.

"Luna?" He asks. I shake my head.

"In surgery." Is all I can say. He sits next  to me, elbows on his knees and face in his hands. We sit in silence for a long moment before he looks at me.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Kane." Is all I can say.

His eyes widen in surprise and his fists clench.

"That fucker. I'm going to kill him." I huff a pathetic laugh.

"No need. Lily already did."


"Yep. Silver dagger straight to the heart."

"That's our girl." He says beaming with pride.

"That's our girl." I reply softly.

We descend back into silence for a few minutes before Sam clears his throat.

"Do you know what that means?" He asks.


"That means you're Alpha of the Mountain Peak pack. Lily killed the Alpha, making her Luna." My eyes widen at the realization, but I can't find it within me to care.

"I can't really think about that right now. Actually, I don't really care about that right now. If Lily doesn't make it, I won't be Alpha of anything." I say quietly. Sam grips my forearm, making me look at him.

"Don't say that, Liam." I scoff and look back at the floor.

"It's true Sam. You and I both know it. I can't do this without her. I don't want to do this without her. Fuck running a pack, I don't want to live unless she's by my side. I was barely functional before her, but now, after experiencing a life with her in it. No, fuck no. A life without her isn't worth living. I need her, Sam. You know I do." He nods soberly and goes back to looking at the floor.

"I need her too." He says quietly.

I look over at him, eyes red rimmed with tears he's trying to keep from falling.

"I know, buddy. I know." I reach over and wrap an arm around his neck, pulling him into me as he cries on my shoulder. I can't stop my own fresh tears from falling.

That's how we stay for an indiscernable about of time. It could be hours, it could be days. I have no idea.

Just as I think I'm about to officially lose my mind, Dr. Sommers enters the room. She's wearing blue scrubs covered in Lily's blood. She pushes her sweaty hair back from her face and I search her eyes for an answer for the most important question of my life.

Dr. Sommers give me a somber frown and wipes tears from her eyes before she speaks.

"I'm so sorry, Alpha."

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