Chapter 35

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After what felt like a long drive, but was probably only about twenty minutes, Liam pulled through the gates and rounded the circle drive of an impressive mansion. The brick mixed with white stone columns looked both classic and regal. Liam helped me out of the car and gave the keys to the valet, which made me nervous for some reason. I wanted a way out of this place if we needed it but decided to trust his judgement. He put my hand through the crook of his arm and led me up the wide staircase into a large foyer with matching winding staircases, intricate tiles on the floor and a huge, glittering crystal chandelier. The walls were lined with artwork and the furniture looked so expensive I didn’t even want to sit on it.

‘This is quite…. Opulent’ I told Liam and Sam in our joined mind link.

‘More like ostentatious.’ Liam responded.

‘It’s obnoxious.’ Sam responded, making me snort.

‘They must be a very wealthy pack.’ I say

‘Don’t let appearances deceive you. As far as net worth, we have much more money than them. We just use it differently. We give more to our pack members in a month than they do a year.’ Liam answers.

I nod in understanding as a large man with thinning brown hair walks over to us. He has a bit of a pudgy belly which surprises me. I’ve never seen an out of shape werewolf before.

“Oh good, Alpha Liam! You were able to make it! And who is this stunning creature?” He asks as he looks at me with beady eyes. He has a slight sheen of sweat on his brow and the faint scent of liquor hits me when he gets close. Liam tightens his hold on my hand, but his face shows none of his annoyance.

“This is my mate and Luna, Lily.” He says while looking at me with warm eyes.

“Ah, yes. The human. Hell of a thing. I heard your pack is quite taken with you, my dear. Very impressive.” He says as he reaches out to shake my hand. I take it limply before pulling away.

“Thank you.” I respond quietly. I can already tell I don’t like this man.

“This is Alpha Levi, Lily.” Liam says.

“Ah, our gracious host. Thank you so much for inviting us.” I say as sweetly as I can manage before Sam introduces himself.

“Of course, my dear, of course. Dinner will be served shortly. Please make yourself at home and enjoy!”

Effectively dismissed, Liam takes us further into the house. The garishness of the home’s décor never ceases. Every room feels full of money wasted. The audacity of these people to live like kings while barely giving back to their pack. I get more irritated the more we walk around.

‘Calm down, love. I can feel your anger. Rein it in. You can talk shit about them on the plane home.’

‘We have to wait till the plane? What’s wrong with the car ride back to the hotel?’ Sam asks. This makes me giggle and I force myself to relax.

We find the ballroom with elegantly dressed tables, and large floral arrangements. We find our assigned table and take a seat. Another man and woman are already sitting at the table and they introduce themselves as Alpha Ethan and Luna Cambria of a pack near ours. We make small talk until a big, burly man wearing a wrinkled suit with long, dirty blonde hair pulled back into a messy ponytail is followed into the ballroom by a tiny brunette wearing a short red dress and heels. She keeps her eyes lowered to the floor until they reach their table, where she pulls out the man’s chair for him before sitting next to him.

‘Stay away from him.’ Liam says, following my gaze.

‘No problem.’ I answer. I watch the brunette for a while. She looks much too skinny and she cringes every time the man leans in to say something to her. She never speaks, only nods or shakes her head. Just from observing her, she has to have gone through terrible things to react to him the way she does. I’m thinking on this until I hear the word ‘rogue’ and I’m brought back into the conversation.

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