Chapter 36

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I think the encounter at the ball shook Liam more than he would admit. While he wasn't mad, he was definitely worried.  He called the pilot to have the plane ready to leave right away and we only went back to the hotel to pack our things. He wouldn't even let me switch out of my dress, saying I could do it on the plane. He said he didn't think the other Alpha would follow us, but he wasn't willing to take chances. He also instructed me not to say a word until we were on the plane and in the air.

Sam was so anxious he didn't even notice the plane taking off and we all breathed a collective sigh of relief when we were safely in the air.

"That Alpha was fucking crazy!" Sam exclaims.

Liam nods and looks over at me before reaching to pull me into his lap. We had all changed out of our formal wear and I had decided to put on my pajamas since it will be very late when we get home.

"He was doing what he's been taught to do." Liam explains.

"We have to do something, Liam. We can't just let that girl continue to be a victim." I say.

"What did she tell you in the bathroom?" Liam asks.

"That she's heard you're a good Alpha and she wants to live in our pack." I say. Liam nods and thinks for a moment.

"But she didn't tell you he's abusive?" I scoff.

"We saw he's abusive with our own eyes." I say. Liam nods again.

"Yes, but if she were to admit it that would mean more." That makes sense, but my mind doesn't care. All I want to do is find that girl, feed her and put some real clothes on her.

"I've seen enough victims of abuse as a nurse to know when someone probably is one. They way she flinched when he got near, the way she was terrified of him. How could a mate treat the other half of their soul like that?" I ask incredulously. "I mean you were an asshole at first, but I never thought you would physically hurt me." I say to Liam. He sighs and leans in to kiss my neck.

"That is how he was raised, love. It's wrong..."

"No it's fucked up." Sam interjects.

"But there isn't much we can do to change it." Liam finishes. I shake my head, refusing to believe what he's telling me.

"I read about a council. Is that still a thing?" I ask and Liam nods, twirling my hair around his finger as he sighs again.

"That's about the only option we have. Even the council is limited. Alpha Kane Harder of the Mountian Peak Pack lives in a very remote area of Canada. It's a much more rugged pack style. They don't have running water, the only electricity they have comes from generators they rarely use and they don't even live in proper houses, more like one room cabins. They spend much more time in their wolf form, mostly to keep warm. Last I heard they didn't even have a pack doctor. It's truly survival of the fittest out there. They are as close to rogues as you can get without actually being one. The possibility of the council getting off their high horse long enough to thoroughly investigate any claims of abuse in a remote location with such poor amenities like that is slim." Liam says gravely and rests his head on my shoulder.

I run my fingers through his hair while I consider the situation. I look over at Sam who has fallen asleep sitting up and smile. I go to the back cabin to fetch a pillow and blanket for him before pushing him so he falls over, his head resting on the pillow and tuck him in with the blanket.

"Can we at least contact the council? I feel like we have to do something. Just leaving her and all of the women in her pack on their own when we know this is happening feels wrong."

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