Chapter 45

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Liam hasn't stopped staring at me since I stood up on four paws. He's blinked a couple of times, but it's mostly just slack jawed staring.

"How is this possible?" He asks the doctor. She's finally able to stand and shrugs her shoulders while also looking at me.

"Who knows. Maybe she had an ancestor who was a wolf and the gene was dormant. Maybe it was your venom. Or maybe she's just taken to the change really well, accepted it." Liam nods.

"Like she was meant to be a wolf all along." He says quietly, repeating what I said earlier.

I yip in excitement and nudge him with my snout. He smiles widely at me and runs his fingers through the fur on my head. It feels so good and I can't stop the rumble in my chest. That makes him chuckle.

"I'm gonna shift, ok?" He asks and I nod my big fluffy head at him.

He smiles again and steps back a few feet and I watch as he turns into a huge, dark brown wolf with stunning green eyes.

'What's your wolf's name?' He asks via mind link.

'Violet.' I respond. That's the first thing she said to me, followed by telling me how strong we are. I didn't believe her, but trotting around Liam I feel it. The power and strength coursing through me. Our bond hums even louder, but the power is close behind, the dominance.

'Mine is Talon.' He says. I can't believe I've gone this long without knowing his wolf's name. I honestly didn't even know they had separate names, but I'm getting a crash course in all things wolfy.

Violet takes over and trots over to Talon, rubbing herself against his fur and licking the spot between his eyes. He grumbles in approval and I see his chest pout with pride.

'What's happening?' I ask Liam.

He chuckles in my mind before responding.

'Your wolf is a possessive little thing. She's rubbing her scent all over us so everyone knows we belong to you.'

If I had skin I would blush. How embarrassing!

'Rein it in!' I tell Violet.

'But have you seen our mate? He is spectacular!'

I bark out a wolfy laugh and Talon cocks his head.

'What's so funny?' Liam asks.

'Violet is very taken with you.' I respond.

'Well, the feeling is mutual. You're gorgeous. Your fur is so beautiful it makes you look like a fucking angel.' I rub myself against him again before a thought occurs to me and I add Sam to the mind link.

'Sam! I didn't die!' I can feel the relief flooding off of him through our link at the sound of my voice.

'I knew you'd be fine, Luna. I wasn't worried.' I huff a little and roll my eyes, which must look ridiculous on a wolf, I think to myself.

'What do you think, Lily? Are you ready to lead your first pack run?' Liam asks and his tongue flops out of his mouth like a love sick puppy.

'Heck yeah!' I say excitedly. I feel like I'll never sleep again. A moment later, Liam's voice rings out in my mind.

'Any pack members who would like to join your Luna for her first pack run, please join us in the clearing by the pack house in twenty minutes.'

Not two minutes later another wolf, Sam, comes bounding into our yard and barrels right into me. I fall over and whine a little at the sudden movement and Liam growls at Sam.

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