Chapter 4: How to sell your paintings.

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Chapter 4: How to sell your paintings.

Kein's POV

"Aunt Haren, I'm going out to the city to buy some ingredients needed for tonight's dinner."

Aunt Haren looks at me briefly before sighing in annoyance, "Yeah, sure, whatever. Be back before sundown."

Welp, that was easy. I smiled in return for her kindness, giving me the opportunity to find a way to save up and escape this place, "Thank you, Aunt Haren."


I'm really glad that Aunt Haren gave me the consent to go. "Now how do I sell these?"

I looked at the canvases that I was carrying. In total, five of them. For now I'll take at least one painting to be 20-30 silver's each. Art is expensive.

You know actually, I've seen on earth where the artist just sits around in a corner while their works are just hanging around in a wall, hoping it'll get noticed and that some collector will buy them.

Or I could just find some stores like some merchant's store and see if they'll be willing to trade for some money.

Agh. If only some stroke of luck will hit me and some noble walks by suddenly buys my paintings. That only happens in mangas if I'm not lying. I can't get my hopes up like that.

I'll figure something out the moment I get there then.

It was an hours walk when I got into the city. It was definitely rowdy, a lot of carriages, stalls, and people.

I walked and I definitely looked like a tourist needing work. Some people glanced at me before going back to their own business but I guess is it really weird for a kid like me to roam around unattended?

"Fresh fish sir! Take your fresh fish!" (Stall owner)

"Flowers! Perhaps for a lovely lady at home!" (Stall owner)

"Fruits! Only the sweetest and Freshest fruit in Lindeshire!" (Stall owner)

"Perhaps I can interest you in exotic clothes! From the west of the kingdom!" (Stall owner)

Right so this city is named Lindeshire. I wasn't really aware, glad to know.

I sighed, feeling anxious while walking. I hope that I at least sell one of these paintings...

Let's do something like what a normal person would do. I walked up to a nice looking person and asked a question, "Um excuse me?"

It was an old man with a long beard who was using a cane to walk. He noticed me and scoffed, "What is it lass?" he asked as he took an expensive looking cigarette out of his pocket.

I think I caught a rich person but I hope he's not an ass. I shook my head from these thoughts and continued.

"Do you know anywhere where I can sell paintings?" I asked him while showing one of my canvases. It was the scenery of the sunset back in the garden, the colors were really bright and dark. It overshadowed the light colors of the roses.

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