Chapter 15.5: Special.

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Chapter 15.5: Special.

Narrator's POV

When Kein left Rose was left with Vincent who admires the cute pink rose basket Kein gave to him.

Rose sighed as she sat down on one of the chairs of the store, "Unbelievable! I can't believe she had baskets for other people. I thought it was just me! Kein... you... you... ugh!"

"But your highness, don't you think that's just another admirable quality about Kein? She's considerate and even thinks of others. She even gave me... an adorable one." (Vincent) replied as he browsed the shelves of lipstick.

"I-I know but... I'm just a little disappointed and sad that she wasn't only thinking of me. D-Does that make sense?" (Rose) wondered nervously as her mind ran like it's on fire.

"Agh! And in the future she'll become a womanizer! Can you believe that?!" (Rose)

"If I'm being honest, your highness, since she's a talented artist I can imagine a lot of people will be pining for someone like her." (Vincent) answered honestly as Rose grit her teeth in jealousy.

"T-This is rather problematic. I-I knew she was charming but my heart is literally beating so fast whenever I think of her. I-Is this normal for a crush? I-It is... right?" (Rose) holds her chest for a moment before looking at Vincent worriedly.

"What if this turns into something more and I can't run away from it? Vincent, what will I do? I..."

Vincent stops his browsing and immediately kneels down to meet the princess' eyes cast down. "Your highness, you are still quite young for you to be thinking something about love. How about you wait for a bit before thinking about it some more. After all, Kein from the looks of it has no interest in romance at all. Both of you are not ready for feelings like these."

Rose nods as she looks away for a moment, "Feelings are confusing."

"I have never felt that way to anyone your highness, but if its something my father taught me. There is a time for everything and meaning, there will be a time for love as long as you are patient." (Vincent)

Rose smiles in relief, thankful that her friend was there for her, "Thank you, Vincent. Your father is still being wise huh?"

"Why, my father is one of the wisest people I've ever met. I'm quite lucky I've been born in a stable noble house." (Vincent)

"So if Duke Wolford ever found out about your feminine hobbies do you think... he would ever accept?" (Rose) asks...

Vincent thinks for a moment before she sighs, "That. I do not know. He may be my father but he's also a member of the highest monarchy. If his son is seen wearing something like a dress or using lipstick. I'm afraid his good name will be tainted in shame because of his son who wears things that are... meant for girls."

"If it helps Vincent. I think you would look good in a dress." (Rose) smiles as she stands up from her chair and grabs Vincent by his arm. "Ooo how about this one dress? I am so sure this will look so good on you!"

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