Chapter 18: Family Portrait.

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Chapter 18: Family Portrait.

Kein's POV

"Duchess Viviana, can you move a little to the left..."

"Oh of course!" (Duchess Viviana)

Duchess Viviana happily moves a little to the left while clinging to her husband. Duke Wolford looked seriously while his wife affectionately snuggled with him. It was like he was ready to bash someone's head with that stare. It's really making my hands stiff as I work through my brush-

Yikes, his face really seemed tense uhh... I should tell him..."Um... And Duke Tristan can you relax your body a little? It's a little stiff, don't worry we're only here for a few minutes."

Duke Tristan nods, "A-Apologies. I'm just quite nervous."

"No need to be nervous, my lord. Look at Lord Vincent he seems calm and all creating the perfect pose for painting." I look at Vincent with his pose. Hands at the back, chest puffed out, and his face neutral. Reminds me of those paintings back on earth.

"Father, if you need to take a break we can have a few minutes of time for it." (Lord Vincent) said worriedly looking at his father.

"N-No it's fine. We should continue." (Duke Tristan) stubbornly refused as I sighed looking at this adorable family.

"My dear! Why are you so nervous all of a sudden? I thought you were excited to get this portrait!" (Duchess Viviana)

Ahaha... He's really nothing like Vincent at the present but mostly because of what happened a few minutes ago.

I was sitting peacefully on the couch with Vincent when suddenly his parents Duchess Viviana and Duke Tristan barged in the room being all affectionate with each other.

I suppose Duke Tristan didn't like showing affection with anyone else in the room and he's more of a reserved person.

And by affection I meant that they almost kissed in front of us.

Honestly it was adorable of how these two were clearly in love.

"Ah. I'm really envious of your parents Vincent." I muttered to myself making sure only I could hear.

It's perhaps rare to expect nobles being this affectionate with each other. I sort of just got into the conclusion of arranged marriages and how they won't always be happy.

I smiled at the awkwardness Duke Tristan displayed. "Please take it to no mind. I've seen worse."

Definitely I've seen worse than kissing in my past life and heck I mean I've been in one of those intense relationships as well.

"Lady Kein, please let us continue. My husband is just being shy. Honey! Rest your shoulders!" (Duchess Viviana)

"O-Of course. Apologies, my love." (Duke Tristan)

Argh I can't take the sweetness of these cute hetero couples. It's making me envious! "A-Alright then please just be yourself and pose like I'm not even here. This will only take a few minutes of sketching then sorting out the details."

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