Chapter 29: Veronica.

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Chapter 29: Veronica.

Kein's POV

Rose and I became much closer friends. Eventually we started hanging out after our work at the orphanage. We had a spare hour or two and we would go to our meeting place.

The huge tree that always changed colors.

I remember the second time we met when she fell down and hurt her hand. I had to fix it for her. Now kind of looking back on it that was chivalrous of me, well sort of.

We were sitting on the top of the tree quietly as I dangled into the branches. Rose was just kicking her feet in sway with the breeze. "Kein why do our noses run? But feet smell?" she asked, giving me that curious look of hers.

I tilt my head in annoyance as I recall back to her question, "Is this a riddle?"

"Think about it. We have a runny nose. We have smelly feet but why are they named like that?"

I was about to give her an answer until I realized. "Wait, hold on- I need to think."

Runny nose- smelly- wait isn't it the opposite? Wait what?

Rose saw my reaction and laughed as her stomach grumbled. I gave her a deadpan look as she scratched the side of her cheek.

I sighed, someone is even more of a glutton than I am it seems. I placed my hands on my waist as I smiled widely, "You wanna go eat?"

Rose's eyes light up as she gracefully waves down from the branch, "Yes please!"

We went down the tree carefully sliding down, I asked her what kind of food was alright with her and she told me that even if she is a child of faith of the light she has eaten fish before by accident. "I ate boiled junii-fish before and it was delicious but when my father found out that I did the chef was immediately banished from the kingdom because he forgot that we just became the children of lights that year."

"I see, but if you stop being a child of light or whatever you can eat it again right?" I ask considering the possibility of it.

Rose nods happily but then she shakes her head sadly, "I wish but I can't go back to that now even if it means I can't eat my favorite food anymore."

I crossed my arms in deep thought and then thought of a good idea. "Hey if we can find a professional chef for us I'll ask them to make a replica of its taste. Sure it won't be the same but the taste will still be there you know?"

Rose's gray eyes were now full with hope giggling in reply, "It would be wonderful to taste it again. I'll hold you onto that."

In the end I just bought her some steamed potatoes. I paid for it of course because I'm a woman with a job! The steamed potato was warm and perfect for a breezy cold day like this.

Rose and I were walking mindlessly looking around the town trying new things together.

There were a couple of books stalled outside, having nothing to do. We set a course into that book stall trying to find a book that interested us.

"Kein! Kein! Kein!"

I look over to Rose who has her hands gripping on a leather bound book as she is waving it off showing it to me excitedly. "What's that book about Rose?"

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