Chapter 16.5: Lucas.

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Chapter 16.5: Lucas.

Kein's POV

I sat down on the nearby porch as my feet swayed back and forth, my eyes focused on the pages of the book of the one Lenard lent me, [Herbs All Around Us Volume I].

He was generous enough to even lend me the book that his father gave to him to help with my shampoo research. "It's not going well though."

There isn't any plant that I need to change the color of the shampoo, a plant similar to soap nuts, and a plant I need that will be an alternative for lavender or just a plant that will smell good.

I scratch my hair in frustration making it a little ruffled as the thought of no solutions made me cranky. "Another problem is that this book is only [Volume I] meaning there are hopefully other volumes that might help me but Lenard doesn't have it... because I know if he did he'll give it to me in a heartbeat."

And the last problem is where am I going to get them?

Agh should I make do with what I have here? Or somehow... ask for favors from other people?

I should visit Baron Hills one of these days. I pondered...

When you're stuck, travel around and talk to other people that might help.

Hmm... "[Storage Ring]."

I took out the seal to use in delivering letters for the royal family. "Right, I should consider. Maybe the princess would-"

I stopped my words, realizing how desperate I sounded. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and closed the book I was reading. I should take it easy, thinking too much will pop one of my veins out. "I need to take a break."

"Huh? And who said you can take a break? Kein."

I turn around quickly hiding the royal seal back into my [Storage Ring] to hope that he didn't see any of that. "What do you want, Lucas?"

I stood up from the porch and faced him, my expression? I was pissed. Out of all the people in the mansion he's also one of the fuckers that I don't want seeing today.

Lucas gave me a grin as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I almost lost my balance.

"Huh? And why can't I check up on our little helper today? Big brother Lenard is not here to protect or defend your sorry little life." (Lucas)

I glared at him as I pushed his arm out with force from my neck and clicked my tongue in annoyance. I can't believe he's Lenard's twin brother. They really are different.

"I can defend myself even if Lenard is not here, Lucas." I told him, my stubborn spirit not backing down.

Excuse me, I'm a forty year old woman mentally and to be ordered around by a spoiled little brat like Lucas is going to wound my pride and teachings. Kids like him should be disciplined and I mean the Asian way. I would grab a stick and smack the fuck out of him until he learns what did he do wrong.

Lucas stopped grinning to finally look at me as expected with hate, "Don't get too full of yourself, Kein. I heard from my father you managed to score a meeting with the first princess, now that's no easy feat."

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