Chapter 25: Time to go back.

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Chapter 35: Time to go back.

Kein's POV

After staying here for a week, I was done with the portrait, meaning I get to come home. I stood proudly in front of my work that was covered in white cloth as Vincent's parents' expression looked like they couldn't wait any longer. Mostly it was the Duchess but ahem.

"Duke Tristan, and Duchess Viviana. May I present to you the portrait we've worked so hard to accomplish. I would like to call this piece, [Cariñosa Familia]."

I dramatically pulled the cloth, revealing the family portrait where they all fitted together perfectly. The duchess clinging to the duke happily as Vincent was in the middle with hands behind his back but you can tell even if he looked serious in that. The gleam in his eyes seemed to differ.

I have successfully brought their colors of what kind of family they are in this portrait. I'm actually quite proud of myself this time. "Oh my! Splendid! Truly you deserve to have won the title of champion at the Lumineria Festival!" (Duchess Viviana)

The Duchess was first to react as she clapped in applause looking at her husband. "My love, what do you think? Isn't it amazing?"

The Duke nods as he approves of my work. "Oh my! He nodded! He's really impressed!" (Duchess Viviana)

Wow, I never thought a simple nod from someone would really make me happy right now actually. "Thank you for your kind praises," I replied back feeling great from all this nice attention.

Vincent smiles as he also nods. Like father like son huh.

"I already asked Nigel if we could get it framed. Mother, Father. Lady Kein has worked hard all this week to meet your expectations." (Lord Vincent) praised me casually as I scratched the back of my head.

"Aw thanks, Lord Vincent."

The Duke comes forward to me and hands me a coin purse which I hesitantly accepted- damn this is heavy. Is it rude if I turn down a gift from a Duke?

Besides, Vincent already had me covered with the audience with the first princess. I don't need money- "Urk!"

I lied, actually sure I have some gold left in me but I know I need money for my funds at making a shampoo but- I don't know why my Asian core values are still with me.

I just can't accept more payment- It feels too much! I've already troubled Vincent on getting an audience with the princess! "Um. Vincent already paid me with a favor I owed him."

The Duke shakes his head, "We won't leave you unpaid. You've done well indeed, small talented artists like you will have a hard time climbing up the ladder with no support. As my son's friend, I should help you with all I can."

Vincent, your dad is a saint!

Artistry is really considered a huge thing here. Nobles collect art, offer it the goddess of light, art is the symbol of creation and hope in [Puronia]. Meaning with my training and advantage of art lessons back of earth. I have an unfair advantage. "However... I don't think being an artist is the right career choice for me."

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