Chapter 10: Make it double- I mean triple!

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Chapter 10: Make it double- I mean triple!

Kein's POV

You know, even after being in here for weeks. All I have been doing was chores, paint, and more chores.

Also escape the mansion once in a while to get into the market and look around. So all in all I haven't really grabbed any useful information that might help me get out of this place.

Other than knowing almost everyone can do magic. "Ugh!" I groaned in frustration getting envious of all these magic users but where's mine?!

Sure I might be only ten but I'm really becoming impatient with it. How are two years going to come by in a flash?

This place is really horrible.

So I decided the next day I'll ask Lenard for some books I could borrow and see how it goes.


Lenard sat beside me as he gave me the fifth book that he has and smiled at me trying to lift my spirits as I frowned a little. "This is all the materials I have concerning the history, diplomacy, and laws about our kingdom!"

I nod grunting, taking in the huge ass book that might as well be a encyclopedia for fucks sake. "Are we the only kingdom or are there more?"

Lenard widened his eyes and panics, "Y-You really haven't learned anything or at least knew simple things."

"No, as I said I wasn't really allowed to read much and was kept hidden." I excused myself. Lenard never met my father (actually not mine but the real Kein) who took care of me apparently until he died. I read it in Kein's diary which is me but technically not me.

"There are also materials there that tie us to the other seven kingdoms! So don't you worry! If you need help in reading, ask me!" (Lenard) enthusiastically yelled and gave me a slight push. He seems really happy... hmm I wonder... did something really good happen?

"Easy there." I told him while giving him a suspicious look. "So why are you in such a good mood today hmm?"

Lenard blinks for a few moments before giggling, "I mean. Nothing much, just Lord Vincent asking if it was alright to visit next weekend."

Oh my. Lenard is making progress. I'm so proud of him. "Lenard, it seems like you don't need me as your wing woman anymore. I'm so proud you're making progress even without my help."

Really, I was. I was so frustrated of how much gay panic got him but now he's actually going out with Lord Vincent! "I-It's not... that commendable... but thank you, Kein. I mean it." (Lenard)

I smiled and punched him on the shoulder lightly, grinning. "That's what families do. Help each other."

I really meant it. Even if I'm not the real Kein, I'll try my best to be a good cousin. Besides, I only had one family member on earth and I'm sure my daughter would've loved Lenard for an uncle.

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