Chapter 11: Veronica going out of business.

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Chapter 11: Veronica going out of business.

Kein's POV

It's been three days since the incident. I can still feel the painful sensation behind my back, Madelyn, that horrible woman. Seriously hurting a kid?

This is nuts.

I know bruises were already bad but burns?! Inflicting it on a ten-year-old!

"Hey are you okay?" (Lenard) asked me as we both walked around the garden. "You look well I don't mean to offend but... you're sort of walking weird."

I nodded and kept a firm smile, "I may not look good right now I agree but I feel straight as a fiddle."

I don't know if I got that one right. Oh right, the straight one I should've said bent as a fiddle then. "Anyways this is a nice walk but I should get going and do all my house duties."

"Are you sure you're okay...?" (Lenard)

I wave him off jokingly to show him that I'm fine, "Yep and now you go too before Aunt Haren can chew you out besides I heard Lord Vincent is coming over to visit today right?"

Lenard blushes and nods. That made him shyly leave as he covered his face adorably. Once he left finally I had space and to curse my heart out.

"Oh for the love of-"

It hurts.

I grit my teeth as I walked into the stairs carrying a bucket of water. I need this to mop but looks like I'm not really doing any well. My feet feel numb and I fell down the stairs, my clothes now wet and my half body is soaked.

Not to mention I need new shoes, but I'm afraid they'll notice I brought a new pair. "Too risky."


After all of my morning chores, I was glad to know I was the one responsible to buy groceries this time. Finally, time to get away from this place. I walked a few minutes there and made it. I looked at the list and stored the stuff I bought on the [Storage Ring].

I'm really thankful I have this on me right now. "Oh, little charmer! It's been a while!"

I looked behind me to see who called and it was the person who owns the basket store, waving to me. I smiled trying to ignore the pain on my back and greeted her. "Hey, Veronica! How are you?"

Veronica sighs, putting on a sad smile, "You see, I might close soon. If the business doesn't go well I might have to find a much better job."

My eyes widened in surprise, the financial situation here is really what it is from the book I read. People are struggling, "But you love weaving..."

Veronica chuckles, raises her hand to meet the top of my head and pats me softly, "You know even if I love my job. If it doesn't bring money to provide food on the table. It might not be worth it." (Veronica) sighs. "I'm sorry little charmer but it's just the way it is. I might only have a month left on this stall but if I find a new job I'll tell you. My boyfriend might help me find something suitable."

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