Don't Make Me That Guy(Jaime POV)

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After we finished eating, Audelia quickly pulled me into a room. I was confused as to why she was rushing so much but she looked extremely uncomfortable and agitated.

"You know I will never let him touch you right?", I asked, rubbing her shoulders gently. She nodded but I could see she was fighting tears and wanted to tell me something but she was holding back.

"What's wrong?", I asked softly. I had never seen her this scared before.

"I have something to tell you", she whispered, refusing to meet my eye. I furrowed my eyebrows and took her face gently into my hands. The bruises and cuts were beginning to heal but I felt guilt rising in me. It was my fault she had gotten hurt. If I had just not allowed her to go to Robb, she would've been fine. But then again if she joined me to King's Landing, she would be dead.

"What is it, Lilibet?", I asked, using the nickname I had given her.

"I am so sorry", she whispered and I felt my heart fall. Did she not love me? Did she lie? What was happening?

"What for?", I asked.

"I'm pregnant", she finally said.

My hands fell from her shoulders. And I just stared at her in shock.

She was what?

"What?", I repeated.

"I'm pregnant", she replied again.

My mouth was open, and I could barely think.

She was pregnant.

With Ramsay's child, no doubt.

"I'm sorry", she whispered and I was about to tell her that she had nothing to be sorry for, that it wasn't her fault but she left quickly before I got the chance to say anything.

I stared at the open door in shock as I saw retreating form, shaking from a sob she was trying to stifle.

I wanted to yell after her. Tell her that I didn't care, that I would support her no matter what.

But I didn't.

"Why'd you look like you've seen a ghost?", Asked Bronn as he turned the corner and saw me. I turned to him, my mouth still open in shock.

"Oh she told you, didn't she?", He asked and my eyes widened even more.

"You knew?! She told you first?!", I asked, raising my voice and he held his hands up in his defence. How could Audelia tell Bronn, a sellsword, out of all people first?!

"If it makes you feel better her siblings don't know either", he replied and I just groaned loudly.

"What am I supposed to do here?", I asked as I sat down on my bed, head on my hand.

"You rode North for her, you left your family for her. Is a babe really gonna change your feelings? Besides you told me how much you wanted to be a father", he said as he joined me on my bed.

I looked at him unsurely, and sighed deeply.

"I do love her. I really love her. But a babe? It isn't even mine my blood. What if turns out just as crazy as it's father? What if Audelia dies during childbirth? What if it hates me? What if I ruin it? What if I put it in more danger by being close to it? I'm already putting Audelia in danger, Cercei knows where I went no doubt", I said quickly and then Bronn hit me on the back of my head.

"What was that for?!", I asked as I rubbed the spot he hit.

"Shut up", he said.

"Don't ye think Audelia is also thinking about that? She was scared that she would lose this war, and Ramsay would get his hands on the babe. She is also probably thinking that she would make a terrible mother, or that she will ruin it.", He began.

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