Old Endings and New Beginnings(Third Person POV)

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It was getting colder and colder, and not just because Audelia was travelling back North. It had snowed at Riverrun when they were passing by. It had never happened this early in the year, but Audelia guessed that Winter was truly coming, and these were the signs of it.

The trip was hard, especially when she realized that boats and oceans did not agree with her. Sea sickness was hardly something she was fond of and she was happy that travelling in the North did not require any more ships, and since Audelia would be staying in the North for a long time to come, she wouldn't have to worry about it.

"Queen Stark, may I come in?", came a knock at the door rather early in the morning on the last day of their voyage. Audelia had only just gotten ready, and motioned for her guard to open the door.

"Lord Tyrion, what is it?", she asked, getting concerned immediately. He hadn't come to visit or speak with her the entire voyage, so him coming to her must be rather important.

Tyrion walked inside Audelia's rather small chambers and looked around quietly, as if curious about the architecture, but she knew he truly wasn't. She took it as a sign that he wanted to speak with her alone, which only made her more worried, and she nodded to the guards that it was alright to leave her with him. It's not like a dwarf could do much to her in any case.

Once Tyrion made sure that the door was closed, and that they were truly alone, before pulling a chair out, and sitting on it. He reached for the wine that rested on the table, and poured himself a goblet before offering some to Audelia, but she put her hand up as a gentle refusal. She wasn't big on drinking wine anyway.

"Why her?", asked Audelia before Tyrion could say what he truly wanted to say. 

"I don't know if this will come as a shock to you, but she loves your brother", replied Tyrion, and he looked to be searching for more words. 

"That doesn't mean she will be a good Queen", argued Audelia, and played with the ring on her finger. 

"Is it just me, or do you seem determined to dislike her?", asked Tyrion, looking at Audelia curiously. Before Audelia could even think of a reply, Tyrion continued.

"A good relationship between the Iron Throne and the North has always been the core, and base of every peaceful, prosperous reign we've ever known. You have achieved something of that like with Daenerys for the time being, and I am sure that with time, that relationship can prosper, and grow stronger. Especially since you will be two neighboring Queens. It would be in your and our best interest to have good relations", continued Tyrion calmly, explaining every part of his thoughts. Audelia listened and nodded along, seemingly in agreement.

"That is calming. But that is not what I asked. I asked you why you think she would make a good Queen. Being in love with my brother is not a good enough reason for being the right person to rule 6 Kingdoms", Audelia replied and Tyrion faltered for a moment. He hadn't thought for some time now, why Daenerys would have been the right choice.

Tyrion shook his head, not wanting to steer away from the topic of discussion today. "I would be very thankful, and would feel much better knowing that tomorrow when we arrive in your Kingdom, where there are thousands of men ready to defend you, and fight us just at your command, if I believed that you and Daenerys were allies", said Tyrion and Audelia leaned backwards to recline in her chair, looking calmer than usual but it was her mask. She was trying to desperately hide her smug expression. 

She knows that she has just planted the first seed of doubt in Tyrion's mind. Now all she needed to do was water it, and Tyrion would do all the rest.

"You don't have to be her friend, but why provoke her?", asked Tyrion rhetorically. "How is that in the best interest of you, your son, or your Kingdom?".

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