The Black Wolf(Audelia POV)

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"The Knights of the Vale will not side with Wildling Invaders!", spoke up Lord Royce.

"We didn't invade", argued Tormund. "We were invited".

"Not by me", said Lord Royce, sitting down, and everybody began chattering. I sighed, standing up before Jon had the chance to intervene. He said I would be a good Queen in the North. I had to act like the part.

"The Free Folk, The Northerners, The Knights of the Vale and the Tully's fought bravely together, and we won. My father used to say that we find out true friends on the battlefield.", I said with a strong voice. A lord I didn't recognize stood up.

"The Bolton's are defeated. The war is over. Winter has come. If the Maester's are right, it'll be the coldest one inf a thousand years. We should ride home, and wait out the coming storms", proposed the Lord but Jon stood up.

"The War is not over", argued Jon. "And I promise you, friends. The true enemy won't wait out the storm. He brings the storm".

Everybody began talking again amongst themselves as they discussed what Jon had just said. Across the room, I met eyes with Lord Baelish who raised his eyebrows a little, motioning for me to speak or do something. But before I could, Lady Lyanna Mormont stood up.

"Your son was butchered at the Red Wedding, Lord Manderly. But you refused the call.", she began, then turned to Lord Glover. "You swore allegiance to House Stark, Lord Glover. But in their hour of greatest need, you refused the call. And you, Lord Kerwin. Your father was skinned alive by Ramsay Bolton, yet you still refused the call. But House Mormont remembers. The North remembers!", said Lady Mormont, and everybody listened to her. She then turned to the High Table, looking straight at me.

"Lady Audelia is the eldest, trueborn child of the last Warden of the North, Ned Stark. She gave everything up for her home, OUR home.", continued Lady Lyanna. 

"And Jon Snow, although a bastard, fought bravely alongside all of you for his home. OUR home.", she continued once more, looking at every Lord in the room.

"We know no King or Queen in the North, but the Queen or King in the North whose name is Stark!", she announced, receiving approving grumbles from some of the Lords. 

"Audelia Stark is the rightful heir of the North. She is my Queen, from this day until her last day!", yelled Lady Mormont, and Jon send me an approving smile. Sansa also looked quite happy, while I did not change my face expressions. I did not feel any kind of emotion at the moment. 

I was not happy or sad or mad.

But I did feel proud.

Proud to be a Stark.

The Lords in the hall began whispering amongst themselves, some of them send looks my way, others nodded their heads.

"Lady Mormont speaks harshly. And truly. My son died for Robb Stark, the young wolf. I didn't think we'd find another King, let alone a Queen in my lifetime. I didn't commit my men to your cause because I didn't want more Manderly's dying for nothing. But I was wrong", declared lord Manderly, making many Lord's look up. 

"Audelia Stark, and her brother Jon Snow avenged the Red Wedding. She is the black wolf, and he is the white wolf. The Queen in the North!", declared Lord Manderly, unleashing his sword, and bending his knee to us. Many lord's and free folk drank to that.

"I did not fight beside you, Jon Snow. And I will regret that my dying day. I did not support you, Audelia Stark. A man can only admit when he was wrong, and ask forgiveness from his Queen", said Lord Glover and I allowed a small sympathetic smile.

"There is nothing to forgive, my lord", I replied, and he nodded.

"There will be more fights to come!", declared Lord Glover. "House Glover will stand behind House Stark as we have for a thousand years. And I will stand behind Audelia Stark and Jon Snow. The Queen and Protector in the North!", declared Lord Glover, also unleashing his sword, bending the knee next to Lord Manderly.

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