Hidden Enemies and Common Friends(Audelia POV)

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I had refused to return to my chambers afterwards, not ready to see or listen to Jaime any longer. It hurt that he had assumed something like that of me. After all we went through together, after all I sacrificed for him, after all I did for him... It felt close to betrayal. But I knew those thoughts were not his, they were Cersei's. His previous sisters... I wonder if the letter she send me was partly true. What if Jaime did want to stay with her like he once did, but felt too much obligation to return to me.

I hoped not. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew that I had forced him to give up what he wanted. No matter how much I want him next to me...

I spend the night with Ned in his room, falling asleep in a rocking chair. And although my body hurt after the uncomfortable night, I had no inclination to go and lie down in my own bed. I had too much work to do as a Queen, and a hostess for very important and influential allies.

Instead, I invited Daenerys for breakfast in the feast hall. Just us. No advisors, or guards, or ill-mannered partners. I didn't even bother to let Jaime know where I was going. He deserved to brood a little. I contemplated bringing Ned along with me, as I missed spending time with him, but I decided against it. I didn't want to rub the fact that I had a child, and Daenerys didn't in her face.

"Your Grace, do you have any special requests for the breakfast?", the Grand Maester asked. He had become practically my right hand, my trusted advisor, and a friend. Although he was no Maester Luwin, he truly was helpful. I understood then why my mother was so trustful with Maester Luwin. The Maesters were wise, at least in the North. I can't say the same for the South.

"Yes... I would like Lemon Cakes, my sister's and mother's favorite, and I would like Kidney Pie, my father's favorite, and Rabbit Stew, Robb's favorite. Serve us some red wine too please", I ordered, and as the Maester turned to leave, I made my way to the courtyard.

The people down below were busy at work, and it made me remember how little things have changed over the years for them. They never had to experience the political cruelty, and the loss that my entire family had to. They did however had to experience the ruthlessness of other Lords and Ladies.

They hear about a Lord dying, or a Lady marrying. They never know what it is truly like for a Highborn. Much like a Highborn never truly knows much about what it's like for a Lowborn. Each side has it's downsides, and upsides. They are just not always very obvious.

It was nice, standing in the middle, being able to breathe in the crisp, cold air. I still remembered what it was like before everything. Before our little world was destroyed so cruelly, and we were forced to survive, to grow up before our time. 

I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't hear Tyrion walk up beside me, and stand next to me, looking around. 

"Not much has changed, has it?", Tyrion asked , looking around. I smiled softly, and shrugged.

"I guess not. It hardly ever does for them", I replied, and he looked up at me for a brief moment before continuing to look around nodding along.

"Has something happened Tyrion?", I asked. The silence between us had made me a little paranoid. I was used to bad news, especially during these trying times.

"No, nothing's happened", Tyrion replied without hesitation. "Yet, anyway", he added a moment later. 

"You heard about our fight?", I asked. I knew Jaime would not complain, I knew he was most likely thinking that our fight was his fault, which it was. He would never complain to Tyrion, or anybody really, he was not a complaining type. But it was not hard to tell when something was bothering him.

"Nothing had to be said. I can tell", Tyrion replied, and I sighed quietly. "What did my idiot brother do now?".

"It's nothing Tyrion. Nothing that you should concern yourself with. You have other responsibilities", I said after contemplating whether to tell him or not for a moment. 

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