I Will Be Waiting(Third Person POV)

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"I never thought I'd be back here", said Audelia as she and Jaime walked the halls of the Red Keep to their room. They were accompanied by  a dozen Northern guards, and Brienne with Podrick. They were unofficially part of the Queen's Guard.

"Me neither", agreed Jaime, looking around at the old stone illuminated by the torches of fire. He remembered the Keep like the back of his right hand. But he no longer felt at home here.

"You remember this Hall?", asked Audelia, stopping at the open hall that wrapped around a courtyard. Jaime walked back to her and looked around. It gave a sense of familiarity, but he wasn't sure why.

"This is the hall I kissed you in right before you left", explained Audelia and Jaime smiled softly at the memory. It felt so long ago, and it was. It's been 6 years since then, Audelia and him had grown older and matured more since then.

It was hard to believe for Jaime that Audelia was half his age. Only 22, yet she seemed to so much older, wiser than what she was supposed to be. She was even a Mother now. Then again, girls like her become Mother's young, while they are still children themselves.

"How can I ever forget?", asked Jaime, lowering his voice just so she heard him. He led her to their room, and the Guards stopped at both ends of the Hallway to guard the rooms that are in the hallway.

"I've missed you", whispered Jaime, as soon as they were inside the room, with the door closed. He quickly pushed the furry cape off her shoulders. Audelia smiled at him, but when his hand reached for her dress, she stopped him.

"Jaime we can't", she whispered gently. "Not here".

Jaime looked confused. They hadn't seen each other in weeks, why didn't she want to?

"It's not proper", Audelia tried to explain. And only then did Jaime realize why she didn't want this.

The room they were in used to be Ned Stark's old room. Her father used to live here before his death. Jaime had only been in here once, and that was when he had come to speak to him about Audelia. That was so long ago.

"I'm sorry, I hadn't realized", said Jaime, turning back to her, and rubbing her back supportingly.

Audelia sighed, looking around. It was clear why Cersei had this room specifically prepared for them. She wanted to torment Audelia even more than she already had. That woman's spite will never run out. 

"We could request another room", offered Jaime but Audelia shook her head, and walked over to one of the dressers so she could put her cape onto it.

"No, we shouldn't. We shouldn't show her that I am uncomfortable. I can't show my weakness here", replied Audelia, her voice carefully levelled. Jaime looked at her with sad eyes but her back was turned to him.

Something was weird about the way she was acting, Jaime could tell. Usually, she would be hugging him, or berating him lovingly for whatever stupid thing he did. But she wasn't doing either of those things.

She was quiet. Completely silent. 

Jaime hated silence. It unnerved him. He had never had complete silence. Tyrion always talked, would never shut up. Cersei was always either yelling, or berating him, or ranting to him about how the Gods were unfair. Father was the only one who came close to complete silence but he was usually scribbling some letter.

Audelia just sat by the fire in complete silence. No words. 

"Lilibet what's wrong?", asked Jaime carefully. He was starting to panic. Had something happened? Had something happened to Ned?

"I should be asking you that", replied Audelia, but she hadn't turned around to face him. "When were you going to tell me?".

Jaime looked confused. His head refused to think. He didn't even know what to say. So he stammered out, "What do you mean?".

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