The Lone Wolf Dies(Audelia POV)

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While me and Sansa handled running Winterfell and the preparations for the Long Night, Bran continued doing whatever it is that he was doing. Neither of us truly understood what it was that being the Three Eyed Raven meant, but as long as Bran was here, safe and healthy, we didn't mind. 

The following weeks after Jaime's departure were hard, on me specifically. I no longer had my constant support by my side, and I couldn't dare imagine what it would be like if he never returned.

On the other hand, it's not like I had much time to be able to worry about it. I was constantly busy, coming up with ideas to make sure we last the Winter, making sure that the army was being well prepared and the fortress was fortified. And the Lords were starting to get suspicious.

Hiding a pregnancy for this long had taken a lot. I had loyal servants who would not utter a word, and I dressed well to hide it. But it was hard. Very hard. I appeared rarely outside, letting Sansa do all the public work. But there were meetings, and some things that I just could not let Sansa do. So I decided to make a public announcement.

I decided to do it during our daily meetings, where we discussed what else had to be done. All the Lords of the North and Riverrun were here now, with their men, ready to work together.

"Lord Umber, when shall your people arrive?", I asked, feeling the meeting draw to an end.

"We need more wagons and horses, if it pleases my Queen", he replied, stepping forward. I nodded, and send a look to Sansa to get on that.

"You'll have as many as we can spare", I replied and he bowed, thanking me and sat back down.

"If that is all for today, I would like to make another announcement", I said, standing up. The Lords all looked amongst each other to see if there was anything else to discuss but they all shook their heads and returned to watch me with curious eyes.

"As many of you know, Ser Jaime has stayed with us, and will continue staying with us when he returns from the South. But unlike you, who will return to your homes after the Long Night, he will stay here, as this is his now permanent home.", I began and the Lords whispered around me.

"My Queen!", exclaimed Lady Lyanna from her seat. "Why should the Kingslayer be allowed to live here? Is he not of the South? Is he not the wicked Queen's twin brother?", she asked, earning some agreeing mumbles from the Lords around her.

"We don't want him here!", exclaimed another, I was not sure who.

Brienne send me a warning look. She had a feeling that this would go wrong and some would try to attack me. But I had faith in my Lords and Lady that they wouldn't, and that they would hear me out.

"Because he is my husband and the father of my unborn child", I replied, and the uproar in the room after a moment of silence was almost too much to bear.

I lied to say that we were already married, that way they would not think that the child I was carrying was a bastard. I did not need them knowing it was a Bolton, the poor babe would be hated for the rest of it's life before it even started. It would be easier if they thought it was a Lannister.

The Lords were yelling, arguing, while some were just staring at me. They could not believe that their Queen is married to a... Lannister, of all people.

"My Queen, with all due respect, I cannot agree with that decision", spoke up Lord Glover from his seat. I crossed my hands on the table in front of me.

"Well good that it's not your decision to make", I replied, and levelled everyone with a cold gaze.

"My Lords. I have not come here to argue, or debate, or yell. I have told you this piece of news so you can be happy for me and my family. Unless that's too much to ask", I continued and some of the Lords retreated, deciding not to fight.

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