Questions But No Answers(Audelia POV)

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(I'm so sorry, guys, the previous chapter did not turn out the way I wanted it to, so I took it down. I didn't think it through enough, so just disregard it if you have read it, we are going a whole different way everybody, and forget about it. Sorry for the inconvenience (this just continues where we left off of from the chapter before the one I deleted))

I held Jaime until he was finally able to fall asleep. His head was firmly pressed against my chest as I ran my fingers through his long, dirty hair. Most of the roots had already greyed, leaving only the tips of his hair gold. Most of that gold hair looked brown though. Nothing like the cocky lion I had met the first day he arrived in Winterfell. Yet I still loved him more than anything in the world.

He was my home. My life. My world.

And he was absolutely destroyed by the news of his son's death. And I wasn't sure if I could ever help him get back together. 

I kissed his head lovingly, and he moved a little in his dreams, cuddling further into my chest.

If you had told me that I would be pregnant, and with Jaime in Winterfell as the Queen in the North back when I was in King's Landing, I would have laughed in your face. I never thought I would get back home, nevermind with Jaime. But here we are.

I carefully moved from under him, resting his head back on a pillow. I could see him pout in his sleep, and move a little to the side to make himself more comfortable. I had to go finish some duties as a Queen first. 

I quickly got dressed, and quietly left the room, lingering in the doorway for a moment to remember the sight of Jaime. He was absolutely perfect. More than I could ever have asked for.

In my office, a few letters that required answering, and a couple documents to sign awaited me. It didn't take me long to get through, as I had seen my father do this more times than I can count. I always thought that what he did was fascinating. He tried to teach my brothers what it meant to be a Lord, but it never really went well. However, I was more willing to listen and learn than anybody else. It was a surprise to my mother who could not even get me in the same room as the Septa for some time as a child.

I kept those memories close to me, always remembering them to make sure I never forget. As if I could. Father, Mother, Robb, Rickon were gone, their time in this world was over. And although it ended so unexpectedly, and harshly, it is something we need to get used to. Jon, Sansa, possibly Arya and Bran, and I were not finished. We still have time. 

And that is alright.

So I finally had enough courage to visit my father in the crypts. Robb's body was practically destroyed when he was killed, and then carried around on sticks back at the Twins. Mother's body was apparently dropped into a river, so there was no way of getting her. But at least Father and Rickon were back home. Where they belong.

The crypts were silent, and dark except for the soft glow of the candles. It didn't take me long to find Rickon's statue, it was much shorter than everybody else's, since he died so young. The statue looked a lot like Rickon, but not the Rickon I would always remember. The childish, giggly, tiny Rickon that was my little brother. 

I remembered when Rickon had a nightmare. Instead of going to mother, or any of our other siblings, he came to me to comfort him. He knew I would never ask questions like my siblings, or baby him like our mother. I would just be what he wanted me to be for him. That night I mostly spend telling him different stories I have heard or read about. I never found out what had troubled my brother in his dreams, he never said, but I never pushed for him to say. 

"I am so sorry Rickon. I love you", I whispered as I put a lighted candle in my brother's hand. I looked up to his face, and felt a tear stream down my cheek. His time was over.

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