You Were Never Even A Player(Audelia POV)

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I left the chambers before Jaime woke up this early morning. I couldn't sleep, and I did not want to wake up Jaime with how unrestless I was. Today was the day I would get rid of Littlefinger, but I had to have a solid plan, and solid proof that my accusations were correct. He was Lord of the Vale, whether I liked it or not. But then again, he had no actual loyal allies, they just feared what he might do if they didn't oblige. 

"Lord Baelish, you had wanted to speak to me in private?", I asked as I walked down the hall to my office. He was already waiting for me in front of the doors and followed me inside as I entered.

"Yes, your Grace. I wanted to discuss some important matters with you", began Littlefinger as he sat down, with his smug face. Gods I wanted to destroy it just like I destroyed Ramsay's face.

"What of?", I asked, my attention on the papers that had been placed on my desk to sign. Things like giving out some of the palace food for the less fortunate in the North, or giving permission to start making weapons for the Long Night.

"As you know, you are a young, beautiful Queen. You require a lot of support from loyal allies, and friends to make sure that while you are coming to power, nothing happens to you. But the loyalty of your allies is not enough anymore, Audelia. You need a...", he trailed off and I looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"Need what?", I asked, getting impatient with him.

"A stable, powerful, and smart man to share the burden of the crown with, someone who can offer a lot, someone who can help the Kingdom of the North", he finally finished looking directly at me. I put down my quill, and sat straighter, with my eyebrows furrowed. 

Was this man really just proposing himself for marriage to me?

"And you are suggesting yourself?", I asked and he nodded quickly.

"I am, my Queen. I am the Lord of the Vale, and Warden of the East. Together, both of our Kingdoms can flourish, and with time overpower the other Kingdoms. Not forgetting the fact that I served Cersei and Tywin at their court, I know how they think, what they want, what they hold dear, and that way, with my knowledge we can easily overpower them", tried to reason Littlefinger and I just watched him with disgust. He was so full of himself, it sickens me. 

"Yes, I do not deny the fact that you are very powerful, and very knowledgeable, yet forgive me for wondering if your intentions are really to help me and my Kingdom or just achieve your ultimate goal?", I asked, deciding to stay professional and not have a screaming match with him. I had to keep my pregnancy hormones at bay for the time being.

He looked at me with a small smile that never seemed to leave his face. "Of course I care for you and your Kingdom. That is why I am proposing this match be made between us. I can help you tremendously, and you will not be only Queen of the North, but of all Seven Kingdoms in the end", continued Petyr and I had to stop myself from laughing.

"Who says I want to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms? I am quite happy with my title and position here, at me home where I haven't been for a very long time because of many reasons, that you were a part of, Petyr. Why should I marry someone who had made my life a living hell?", I asked rhetorically and he looked a little taken aback by how straight forward I was. 

"It was never my intention-", he tried to justify himself but I stopped him by putting my hand up.

"You only care about yourself Petyr, no one else matters to you. All you want is the Iron Throne, and the Seven Kingdoms. Nothing else. But that is not what I want. I want a happy life with the man I love. Fortunately for both of us, that is not you.", I replied sighing, and returning to my paperwork as if nothing was wrong. "I will not marry you, Petyr. Not in this life or the next".

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